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The Orange Spot Coffeehouse



One of the goals of Holy City Sinner was to promote, share and celebrate local businesses, charities, and events. If I can give back to the city I love in any manner, than this website is a huge success in my eyes. There’s nothing wrong with (most) big chains and huge companies, (in fact many of them started as tiny mom-and-pop shops) but there’s something special about a place that has deep ties to your hometown. These places become part of the fabric of your community and are special because they are “ours.”

With that said, I stumbled across The Orange Spot Coffeehouse and I’m excited to try and help them out. When the Local Market closed, I was searching the web for information and found the Facebook page for The Orange Spot and loved what I read. The folks behind the Orange Spot are trying to open up a new coffee house and they seemed genuine in their posts and excited to provide for the community.

This is the beginning of what I hope is a huge success story and I’m happy I found out about them now. It should be exciting to watch their progress over the coming months, years, etc. I even donated some money to their cause (there’s a link below), which makes me feel like I’m a tiny part of their goal. They only have ONE MORE DAY left on their donation page and I’m unsure if they will try to get donations in the future.

This is what this website is about. This is what pride in your city and pride in local businesses is about. I wish them great luck in what they are trying to accomplish!

Can’t donate? You can still help them with their dream by liking their Facebook page, following their Twitter account, or just spreading the word.

Here are a couple excerpts from their Facebook page:

-“This is what we hope to bring others: community and encouragement through the medium of high quality teas, coffees, and pastries. A spot for you, our friends, to come and relax, meet, and plan your own adventures.”

-“Why ‘The Orange Spot’ you ask? It all started in Thailand when I (julie) was in the Peace Corps…There were days when I just needed to sit and ponder life, love and the craziness of the day. I would go to these sidewalk cafes and order a wonderful drink called Cha Yen. There is nothing like it; cold, creamy and deliciously orange! Cha Yen helped me contemplate my next step and just brought me to a comfortable spot…my Orange Spot.”

-“We’re asking if you would consider chipping in $5.00 to help us get started. It’s like buying your first latte from us. And when the time comes, we’ll be sure to make you that latte as a thanks for your support early on. We’ll also have an in-house cup that reminds us of you so we can continue to tell your part of our story.”

-“And while business finances are marvelously important, we recognize that there are other foundations that are critical, too. If you would think of us in your prayers, privilege us with advice, or just give us a “Like” on Facebook, we would be grateful to know we have your support during this inspired time (and feel free to tell anyone about us who may be interested)!”

Help them reach their goal HERE.

Like their Facebook page HERE.

Follow them on TWITTER.

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