Girls Rock Charleston Needs Your Help

The group has run a summer camp program over the last two years, but is readying two new after school programs. Each will provide workshops, music education, mentoring, leadership programs and much more. With a large focus on music, it should come as no surprise that one of the founders is a local musician – Sarah Bandy from The Local Honeys.
In order to realize their goal, Girls Rock Charleston needs to raise enough money. They have turned to indiegogo, a Kickstarter-like fundraising website, which allows members of the community (and beyond) to donate to the cause(s) of their choice. As an added bonus, most campaigns offer incentives for those who donate.
There is one giant catch to the Girls Rock Charleston’s campaign though – if they don’t reach their goal of $5,000, they do not get any of the money. As of today (12/10), the campaign had 16 days left to attain their desired total. Be sure to donate to this great, local cause as soon as possible so they can reach their goal.
You can learn more about the charity and donate HERE.
On a side note – The Holy City already has A LOT of extremely talented musicians that just happen to be female. Besides providing girls with some leadership, mentoring, and support, Girls Rock Charleston might just be grooming the next Sarah Bandy, Sarah Cole, Young-Mi Feldsott (Old You), Rachel Kate Gillon (The Local Honeys), Camela Guevara (The Local Honeys), or Danielle Howell. And that would certainly be a pretty great, if unintended, secondary outcome of this charity.