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5 Things I think I think…



With a nod to Peter King, here is the first edition of Things I Think I Think…

  1. I think 175,000 cubic yards of sand is a whole lot to be dumped on Folly Beach….but I’m not really sure. I’m bet it’s a lot if it were dumped on something like my house, but it probably makes a minimal dent on such an expansive beach.
  2. I think the Charleston County School Board showed complete incompetence as they BUNGLED “the twitter situation” last week – a white student posted a threatening tweet referencing a black student (by name) and attached a picture that included a racial slur. The Board initially ruled that the white student could not go to prom or walk at graduation, but somehow the prom decision was reversed by a constituent board on Saturday.
    Right…so did the student learn a lesson? Probably not – someone took a photo of her flipping off the camera with both hands during the prom. The headline attached to the photo said the student had “won.”I’m glad this future upstanding member of our society was taught a harsh lesson about how cyber-bulling and using racial slurs are beyond unacceptable and lead to real consequences.Oh, and the Charleston City Paper says the school system has a well-documented, casual attitude toward racial harassment.”
    Please continue to be amazing ambassadors for the children of Charleston.
  3. I think the adoptive parents suing MUSC (and others) for performing a sex-assignment surgery on baby have an interesting argument, but will ultimately lose their suit. The child was born with both male and female parts and was under the state’s care when the decision to operate was made. The parents adopted the child after the surgery and were aware of their condition. That’s why, ultimately, I think they lose the suit, but their argument that the child should have made the decision once they were older is compelling.
  4. I think Treasurer Curtis Loftis and Senator Vincent Sheheen have already done more for the state by creating a fund for the DOR hack victims than Governor Haley and her administration have done. Haley and her team showed mostly incompetence in their short-sighted response to the hack, while Loftis and Sheheen have developed a long-term plan. The fund hasn’t been approved yet, but just the effort demonstrates more competance than Haley’s response.
  5. I think Yappy Hour would be a great way to spend this afternoon.
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