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Social Venture Partners Charleston Prepares to Award $25,000 To A Local Nonprofit



Social Venture Partners Charleston (SVP) is pleased to present Fast Pitch 2017, the Lowcountry’s premiere social innovation showcase, Wednesday Oct. 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the Woolfe St. Playhouse.

The Fast Pitch program is one of the hallmarks of SVP Charleston. Fast Pitch is a high-energy, quick-fire pitch competition (think Shark Tank) where nonprofit leaders share the mission, vision, promise, and model of their organization, and do so in 10 minutes. Fast Pitch is designed for nonprofit organizations that address critical social issues with business rigor and the promise of sustainability in a new or innovative way.

Fast Pitch finalists have the unique opportunity for mentorship, exposure and seed funding for their sustainable nonprofit ventures. Throughout the program, the organizations receive mentoring and training, helping them to hone their ideas, improve their concept and build relationships with advisors, donors and partners. Grants will be awarded at the event Wednesday for the best presentations.

This year’s Fast Pitch Finalists are The Bee Cause, LowCountry Autism Foundation, StepUpNetwork, and Turning Leaf. Each organization is doing phenomenal work in the community and their positive effects are evident to all.

When asked what The Fast Pitch Experience has meant to her, Niki Dickens Executive Director of the StepUpNetwork stated, “This process of working with SVP has been invaluable to me. I’ve had a group of cheerleaders urging me on to a higher level of confidence and awareness of my own self and of my program’s capabilities. To have supportive objectivity when you’re a small NPO is key to moving forward with confidence and that’s what I’ve gained.”

The positive effect of Fast Pitch extends beyond the finalists and is felt by the mentors who are SVP Partners and the partnership at large. SVP Partner, Jon Piebenga, has spent months working on Fast Pitch 2017 and recently stated, “This year’s Fast Pitch effort focused on bettering each nonprofit’s business plan deepen impact. The participants themselves work with each other, rather than in competition, and the hope is all good ideas are funded. The partnership has heeded Jon’s message and raised additional monies in an effort to provide more funding including a $5,000 matching challenge. Upon completion, this challenge will add $10,000 to the award for one or more of the nonprofit finalists.

This is an unedited press release

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