The Charleston Grill Serving Non-Alcoholic Drinks For Charity During “Mocktober”
The Charleston Grill invites the community to support this year’s Mocktober, a fundraiser hosted by the Kentucky Distillers’ Association that raises money to help those with substance abuse and addiction illnesses. You can help support the end of addiction within the food and beverage industry while indulging in alcohol-free cocktails.
The restaurant will be offering the following zero-proof mocktails (right):
- zero alcohol sparkling Riesling from Germany
- FRENCH 0.0
- lemon, simple syrup, blenheim ginger ale, non-alcoholic sparkling wine
- cranberry, simple syrup, muddled orange, bitters
For every picture posted with the hashtag #mocktober on social media, the Kentucky Distiller’s Association will donate $1 (up to $5,000), to the Mocktail Project. Mickey Bakst, award-winning ambassador and general manager of the Charleston Grill, is in full support of this campaign as co-founder of Ben’s Friends, an organization to end substance abuse within the hospitality industry in honor of chef Ben Murray who lost his battle with addiction.
This event will be held the week of October 15th to 21st at multiple bars, restaurants, and distilleries across the county. For more information, visit The Mocktail Project.