City of Charleston Security Camera Registration Program
Press Release
Charleston Police is introducing a new community crime watch partnership opportunity for those who have security cameras at their residence or business.
The City of Charleston Security Camera Registration Program allows those with exterior facing recorded security cameras to register with the city on their website. This information will allow investigators to quickly locate video footage, which may yield clues, when crimes occur.
Police Chief Luther Reynolds says, “This is an opportunity to use 21 st century technology to build upon the traditional neighborhood crime watch programs.”
The voluntary registration process takes only a few minutes to complete and police will not need to view any of your cameras at the time of registration. To register your camera systems simply go to the Police Department page on the City of Charleston’s Website at Upon registration, a member of the Police Department will contact you to confirm the information.
Owners will only be contacted, via the information provided, and asked to assist, when investigators feel useful video footage may exist at their location. The effort is intended to speed up investigations and strengthen prosecution.