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SC Aquarium’s First Public Sea Turtle Release of 2019 is Wednesday



Voldemort (Credit: South Carolina Aquarium)

The South Carolina Aquarium, in partnership with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, will hold its first public release of 2019 on Wednesday, May 1st at the Folly Beach County Park. The three sea turtles rehabilitated by the South Carolina Aquarium Sea Turtle Care Center will be released into the Atlantic Ocean at 10 am.

As usual, the public is invited to attend the event. Although viewing the release is free, attendees may have to pay for parking. All attendees are encouraged to represent their favorite Hogwarts House as each of the sea turtles has Harry Potter-themed named.

Here’s a look at each of the turtles being released:

  • Voldemort (right)
    • Found with his left, front flipper entangled in two crab traps near Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge
    • After almost a year of rehabilitation in the Sea Turtle Care Center, this 320-pound loggerhead is ready for release
  • Scabbers
    • Discovered just off the coast of Kiawah Island fighting to stay above water
    • Three of his flippers were entangled in a stray fishing net, and his fourth flipper was partially missing from a shark attack
    • There was a deceased sea turtle wrapped in the same fishing net as Scabbers, dragging an already weak and injured Scabbers into the water
    • Scabbers underwent 11 months of closely-monitored healing in the Sea Turtle Care Center and is cleared to return home to the Atlantic Ocean
  • Dumbledore
    • One of five cold-stunned sea turtles that were transferred to the Sea Turtle Care Center from the New England Aquarium after washing up in Dennis, Massachusetts
    • Following five months of rehabilitation, Dumbledore is ready to complete the journey home

The South Carolina Aquarium Sea Turtle Care Center has rehabilitated and released 271 sea turtles to date; Wednesday’s release will bring the total to 274. You can learn more about the care center here.

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