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Most Trending Things to Write About This Weekend



If you ran out of ideas for your blog, you’re in the right place. A blank page is OK. Creativity is not something you can force and having a bad day is something all of us have experienced. There are many cool trending topics you could write about if you’re passionate enough; I am here to give you a few guidelines on some trending topics that stimulate creativity even when all I have is a blank page in my mind. Keeping my audience engaged is a priority, even if I am not in the best innovative state of mind, so let’s find out what is trendy right now on the web.

  1. Food

The year 2019 is packed with opportunities to explore niches unfathomed before and dwell into subjects unwritten about. If you are a foodie but unsure as of how to delve into the latest trending topics, here’s your chance. Everybody loves food so you shouldn’t have any problems coming up with the proper content. Here are some modern niches to consider and some quick advice on how to approach them –

  • Lifestyle and diet – most trending blogs are nowadays dedicated to vegans and vegetarians. Include brief descriptions on how to cook consciously, how to keep a proper diet, and how to exercise well – it’ll work smoothly!
  • Food while traveling – if you are a world traveler, here’s your chance to shine. Write about your favorite cuisine in various countries and how exploring this world through food tasting changed your life.
  • Recipes and meals – if you are a good cook (or work on becoming one!), write about how-to cook the best meals in town. This niche could interest chefs, business owners, as well as young entrepreneurs.
  1. Travel

We all know that trending blog posts are in vogue now, so this is definitely a niche you should look into. It’s highly trending since so many people are eager to explore new landscapes! If you want to do the same thing but have no idea how to make money in the meantime, check our advice on how to transform traveling into your 9 to 5 job. Write about:

  • Traveling with pets – this has turned into a super-popular niche since more and more traveling destinations are becoming pet-friendly.
  • Weekend trips – since we are on this topic (writing on weekends, huh?) this is a great topic to explore on your own. Since you’ll be expanding on it, you might as well take some weekend road trips to various places that catch your interest.
  • Food tourism – I’ve already included this idea above (see food while traveling).
  • Any other type of traveling you are currently engaging in – this is a trending niche, as I was saying, so there are many bloggers out there using it, which is why you should try essay writing services to check your work for plagiarism and resourcefulness.
  1. FAQs

Here’s a quick piece of advice: as long as you’ll find customers’ weak spots (meaning, their needs), you’ll have an easy time coming up with the right solutions for their problems. What does that mean? It means that your blog’s traffic will increase, and your popularity will rise. Writing about solutions – providing answers to Frequently Asked Questions – is something that will never go out of style! Dig into How-To’s and see how it goes.

  1. Your Personal Story

The reason why your readers follow you with such loyalty is that they like your own personal touch on the subjects you approach. There are hundreds of articles on the same subject but your creativity is what makes everything you write about interesting. And what better way to show your personal touch than by writing your personal story? A few trending blog topics I like to write about are:

  • Big changes that recently happened in my life – you just quit your 9 to 5 job. Or maybe you moved from your hometown to a big city. Someone will always go through similar experiences and your approach to them might give your readers insights on how their favorite blogger survives real-life challenges.
  • Writing about academic success or a personal milestone you achieved is also great content to read about. They will get inspired, looking for an achievement themselves. This way you will actively contribute to your followers’ better state of mind. For you, on the other hand, it will be equally satisfying – why? Because putting in writing something you are proud of will boost your self-confidence to the roof.

Wrapping Up

Choosing a blog niche and coming up with new content might be challenging, but it’s definitely rewarding in the long run. Keeping your articles refreshed and constantly renewed is important, especially when you are in the middle of an advertising campaign. Even if you are not, diversifying your niche is something valuable and can attract customers quite quickly. Make sure you stay true to your passions and ideas will flow. Good luck!


Robert Everett is a digital nomad, world traveler, and content writer. His passion for coffee and the arts led him to Cambridge, where he currently resides. His book, “How to Blog: The Dummy Edition” helped hundreds of people maximize their own creative potential. Robert’s main life goal is helping as many people as he can thorough his hands-on creative-intensive workshops.

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