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City of Charleston Hurricane Dorian Recovery Efforts Underway



Press Release

The city of Charleston began Hurricane Dorian recovery efforts at first light this morning and will dispatch more than 500 city employees to all areas of the city throughout the day.

City offices and facilities remain closed today as crews focus on recovery efforts and will return to normal operations on Monday, September 9.

Residential garbage and trash collection will remain suspended through the weekend and is set to resume on Monday. Commercial garbage collection is projected to take place on Saturday.

When placing debris at the curb for collection, citizens should sort based on the following (C.H.E.A.T.) categories:

C – Construction debris (building materials, drywall, lumber, carpet, furniture, etc.)

H – Hazardous waste (oils, batteries, pesticides, paints, cleaning supplies, etc.)

E – Electronics (televisions, computers, radios, stereos, DVD players/VCRs, etc.)

A – Appliances (Refrigerators, washers/dryers, freezers, air conditioners, stoves, etc.)

T – Trees and vegetation (tree branches, leaves and logs)

The Concord Street and MUSC Pump Stations were fully functional throughout the storm and pumped more than 15 million gallons of water out of the city.

At 7 am this morning, Urban Forestry and Public Service crews were dispatched to begin clearing downed trees reported in the public right of way and to restore access to city roads.

Public service and street sweeping crews will begin to move throughout the city this morning cleaning residual mud off of roadways and sidewalks that flooded, as well as clearing storm drains of debris.

Signal Recovery crews will continue working throughout the day today to restore the 32 remaining reported inoperable traffic signals as soon as possible.

Citizens are reminded that any intersection with a full signal outage should be treated as a four-way stop.

Since the storm passed, the Charleston Fire Department has been working­­ alongside the city’s Stormwater and Public Service Departments to perform an initial survey of areas impacted by the storm.

The Stormwater Department will fan out across the city this afternoon to begin the formal damage assessment process.

To help with the city’s assessments, residents are asked to continue to report damage online at or by calling the city’s Citizen Services Desk at 843-724-7311.

Citizens are reminded that nearly all storm damage-related repairs require building permits, which also protect property owners by ensuring that work performed is up to code. For additional information on building permit guidelines and requirements, please visit:

Parks Department crews will work today to assess the condition of city-owned properties and public spaces. The Angel Oak Tree, Old Slave Mart Museum, Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon, and Maritime Center will remain closed through the weekend and resume normal operations on Monday.

Parking garages will remain open to residents until further notice.

Charleston City Council will hold a final telephonic meeting at 1:30 pm today to discuss the ongoing Hurricane Dorian recovery efforts. The dial-in number for the meeting is 1-800-747-5150 and the access code is 5777434. The agenda for the meeting is attached.



  1. Pingback: Hurricane Dorian Update: 9/3/19 | Holy City Sinner

  2. Pingback: Hurricane Dorian Update: 9/4/19 | Holy City Sinner

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