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TEDxCharleston Extends Speaker Application Deadline to September 30th



Press Release

TEDxCharleston has extended the deadline for applications until Monday, September 30, 2019 for its 2020 event. Applications can be submitted online at The 2020 event, scheduled for April of next year, is themed CASCADES, which underscores the showcase of ideas that trigger great force and movement within the Charleston community and beyond.

Fittingly, event organizers also announced that LB Adams, one of the most captivating speakers in the program’s history and a renowned public speaking coach, will serve as the event’s emcee in 2020.

What exactly is a TEDxCharleston talk? TED is an acronym for technology, entertainment and design, although the talks cover an even wider spectrum of topics, encompassing art, life, science, health, humanities, education and much more. TEDxCharleston is the local, self-organized event that bring people together to share a TED-like experience in the Charleston area. Approximately 10 or so minutes in length, TEDxCharleston presentations are living ideas worthy of conversation and collaboration, woven into stories that audiences comprehend, relate to, and take away.

At TEDxCharleston, we like to call our application process a “call for ideas worth spreading.” If you’re having trouble putting your idea into words, we have a few pointers:

  • First thing’s first, any idea is worth sharing! No idea is too small or too big!
  • Your BIG IDEA should be concise and summarized into a few sentences. If your big idea
    had an elevator pitch…what would it be?
  • Know your stuff. Be passionate about your idea, but also be able to back up. Share your expertise and experience, and showcase how the execution of your idea has made a difference.
  • Why is your idea important or relevant? Did you unveil a problem and provide a solution?
  • Tell us how your idea will impact the lives of others and communities. What do you want the audience to learn and take away from your idea?
  • Remember, you don’t have to be a professional speaker to apply! If your idea is selected, TEDxCharleston has a team of speaker coaches that will guide you through the process!

Looking for application inspiration? Check out videos of past TEDxCharleston speakers and performances are available at

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