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2020 Census Available Online for the First Time Ever



Press Release

For the first time ever, the 2020 Census is available online allowing people to respond anytime, anywhere. The United Way Association of South Carolina in collaboration with Together SC and The SC Grantmaker’s Network are leading partnerships to engage and support community based efforts for a complete count in the 2020 Census. 

Google is providing 120 Chromebooks to drive the organizations’ efforts to collect information.

“Since South Carolina has many areas where accessibility to technology and internet access may hinder complete count efforts, the Cromebooks loaned to the project by Google will be critical to increasing accessibility and completion for the census,” said Mary Dell Hayes, Project Manager of S.C. Counts 2020 with The United Way Association of S.C.

The United Way Association of S.C. is leading efforts to raise awareness about the 2020 Census by reaching out to state and local government and businesses in South Carolina to let them know that Chromebooks are available.

Every 10 years, the Federal government uses census data to direct funds to state and local governments to improve infrastructure and provide public services such as hospitals, roads, schools and other critical investments. A complete count would ensure that the data reflecting different communities in South Carolina is accurate. Every person counted in the census brings approximately $2,900 in federal resources to South Carolina. If just one Chromebook leads to 100 community members completing the census, we ensure that $3M in critical resources for schools, infrastructure, economic development, and disaster relief are appropriately sent to South Carolina.

“The U.S. Census is very important and Google is thrilled to team up with the United Way to loan 120 Chromebooks to assist with their important work to collect accurate data,” said Lilyn Hester, head of Google southeast public affairs. “With a data center in Berkeley County, Google is proud to call South Carolina one of our home states and we’re proud to help in this effort.”

The United Way Association of South Carolina along with Together SC and The SC Grantmaker’s Network have put together more than $400,000 in private resources to support efforts for a complete count in South Carolina for the 2020 Census.

With Google’s help, the organizations are breaking technology and internet access barriers for people to complete the census online. Beginning April 1, 2020, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. You will have three options for responding: online, by mail or phone. Organizations who would like to apply for a loaned Chromebook can complete the application here:

For assistance in accessing and completing the 2020 Census online, citizens can call 211.

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