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Why Hire Local When in Need of a Contractor



When looking for a contractor to come and do some work on your house or place of business, the first thing most of us do is ask our friends and family for recommendations. What follows will either be a glowing report of a job well done or an angry tirade about cowboy tradesmen. You will usually find that the people who are most satisfied with the work are those who hired local contractors. A quick online search can show you all the local businesses in your area which offer the service you need. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why you should hire local businesses when in need of a contractor.

1. Local Contractors Provide a More Personal Service

Ask anyone who has had a bad experience with a contractor they have hired and you will find that the root of most of the issues was bad communication. Whether there were misunderstandings about what exactly the client wanted or there ended up being unforeseen costs, these things could have been resolved with a clear conversation. Good communication is key between a client and a contractor and working with local contractors has a more personal feel as you know they are from the area.

Local contractors will usually be smaller businesses than generic commercial contracting companies so will offer a more bespoke service to fit your requirements. One local plumber in Westminster mentions that the clients are more reassured if the plumbers are nearby in case issues should come up that require swift attention. On a purely human level, sharing the connection of being from the same area, and possibly having shared acquaintances or friends, will naturally lead to a better relationship. This is very important as trusting someone else with your home takes a lot of faith. Local contractors will understand this and will work hard to reassure you that your home is in safe hands.

2. It is Easier to Get Genuine Testimonials

When hiring a local contractor, it is very easy to find out about their service from people you know who have used them before. Whilst 99% of businesses are honest and try to deliver what they promise, there will always be some who try to shortchange you. Local contractors live and die by the testimonials of previous customers, and all contractors know that bad news travels fast.

Before you hire anyone, make sure to ask your friends and family members if they have ever used their services and whether they were satisfied with the job they did. If you hire a non-local contractor, you have to rely on online testimonials and these are much more difficult to verify. Likewise, a non-local contractor’s reputation is less at risk if they provide a poor service.

However, when you use a non-local construction company you often only have online reviews or testimonials to go off of. The personal touch of a review from somebody you know and trust can make all the difference in picking the right construction company for your project.

3. You Can Visit Their Office

So much of our lives are done online these days that it can be reassuringly refreshing to be able to go and visit the bricks and mortar office of your local contractor. A face to face conversation always helps to build a better relationship and makes resolving any issues a lot smoother. Non-local contractors, who you will have to email or phone, are more able to avoid your calls and emails or deliberately take a long time responding to your queries. Having an office nearby that you can visit, with actual people in it to talk to, empowers you to hold your contractors to account. This will be invaluable to your peace of mind as the work you have hired them to do will most likely be costing a lot of money.

4. You Support Local Businesses

These days more and more people are looking to support local businesses, whether it be farmer’s markets, local family-run restaurants, or indeed, local contractors. Keeping money in your town or local economy is great for everyone in the area and towns where local people support local people always tend to thrive. There is a definite feel-good factor knowing that your project has been completed by local tradesmen who themselves are hopefully relying on local suppliers for materials and equipment.

There are so many benefits to hiring local businesses when in need of a contractor, and these days more and more people are making that choice. Local contractors provide a more reliable, more personalized service and supporting local businesses can only benefit everyone in your town.

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