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How to Avoid Having Social Distancing Put Strain on Your Love Life!



With people staying at home a lot more due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are all kinds of areas of our lives where things are a bit different, and a bit strange. Depending on your circumstances, social isolation or distancing may well be having an effect on your love life – especially if you are single and were looking for love with things like dating apps prior to the current situation, or if you were seeing someone you no longer get to spend time with in person.

If you are feeling like the circumstances are having a negative effect on a relationship, or you are frustrated that it has made it harder than ever to meet new people, here are some tips:

Learn From Long-Distance Couples

When you are dating someone you don’t live with, and you can’t go out with them or go to each other’s places because of restrictions, then it is basically a functionally similar situation to being in a long-distance relationship – even if you live close to each other. Everybody knows long-distance love can be tough, but there are also plenty of people who make it work, sometimes because of living in different places (or even different countries) for part of their relationship, sometimes because one person has to go away for college or work for a long time. Take inspiration from how successful long-distance couples spend quality time together using things like Facetime and messaging. Also, consider that these couples might have some good ideas for keeping the sexual spark alive while you’re physically separate, using things like naughty toys for adults and a phone or a webcam!

Spend Longer in the Chatting Phase With Potential Dates

If you’re single and using dating sites or apps, then there’s no reason why you can’t still keep looking for new matches and talking online or over the phone with new people. In fact, it may actually prove to be more successful in avoiding any bad in-person dating experiences if you were forced to spend longer getting to know each other by chatting online. While it may be a slower process, once your social life is back to normal again you may find you have someone you’ve gotten to know fairly well online who you can look forward to meeting for an in-person date, and you’ll already have a decent sense of compatibility with them.

Help Each Other Through it!

Whether it’s someone you already cared about or another single person you’re talking to online, the fact is, everybody is more anxious, more lonely, and more bored than usual at the moment. Taking time to talk to each other, entertain each other, and keep each other company (albeit virtually) can make a difference, and will help you both feel less isolated. This may well bring you closer and mean a stronger relationship once you can see each other whenever you want again.

These are just a few ideas for if you feel like your love life is suffering right now. Take care out there!

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