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Charleston County Sheriff Candidate Issues Statement on Law Enforcement Reform



The following is an unedited statement Charleston County Sheriff candidate Kristin Graziano issued to the press:

Since beginning my campaign in March, I have maintained that my biggest challenge was going to be changing the toxic organizational culture that exists in law enforcement. If you did not hear me then, perhaps you are listening now.

To my colleagues and law enforcement community: If you cannot and will not have these difficult conversations, you are a part of the problem. If you fail to speak out or act when you witness blatant disregard of another person, you are part of the problem. Turn in your badges now if you are justifying bad behavior from law enforcement. White privilege has conditioned too many to fear people due to their skin color. There may be hope for you, but you must commit to do the work. It is not up to anyone else to change. It’s up to you.

We cannot continue to do what we have done for decades and expect a different outcome. Our community deserves better, and our citizens demand better. I will not be silent because my brothers and sisters are suffering immense pain caused by systemic racism in our country. It’s a problem perpetuated by leaders who refuse to act, fail to act, or act irresponsibly. Remaining silent is not an option.

To my community: I know in my heart this time it is different. I hurt with you, and I am with you. I will use this precious time to do what is just and right. We are in this together, and it will take all of us to make this work.

You are why I fight. You are why I breathe.

Let’s get to work.


Kristin Graziano

Candidate for Charleston County Sheriff

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Babbs

    June 2, 2020 at 12:34 pm

    I sure do hope that Karen graziano does win, because Al cannon is as dirty and trashy like slot of his officers at the sheriff department. Especially the ones who are still watching, stalking, showing up at someone job, and hacking into some ones phone all because someone decided to stand up to trash like ccsd.

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