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What to Know When Buying New Computer Gear



Your computer can seem like your entire life sometimes. Your work, communication, and even leisure can all be on your computer. Whether you use it to watch films, play games, or manage your work, it can be one of your most valuable possessions. As amazing as your computer may be, there are ways to make it even better. Whether you use a laptop or desktop, there is plenty of gear you can get to make using it more fun and convenient. But be careful to not fall for any pitfalls when buying new computer gear. Wondering what you should know? Here’s a handy list.


Whether purchasing accessories or main staples, be sure to search for the best prices. While some computer gear has standard or widespread pricing, a lot of devices and components can be available in a wide range of prices, for the same product. While manufacturers can at times offer the lowest price, you can often find more competitive pricing elsewhere. Large chain retailers often have a lot of overhead expenses and inflate their profit margins. Some lesser-known online dealers can offer you lower prices. Search online and compare what the market has to offer and find the best deal for you.


When you buy gear, look for low-noise options. Whether you’re looking for a cooling system or keyboard, many devices are designed to make less noise while in use. Silent devices can be found for any appliance, and as seen on, there are plenty of options for quiet computer gear. Most quiet devices will list a decibel figure. This is a measure of how much sound the device produces. This figure is measured logarithmically, meaning even a small decrease or increase in that number can result in exponentially quieter or louder performance.

Warranties and Guarantees

Everything comes with warranties, if not for practicality, then for peace of mind. However, computer gear warranties and guarantees can mean and cover different issues with the devices. Some offer resolution on devices with manufacturing defects only. Some will only cover repairs in certain geographical territories — be careful when shopping abroad. And some guarantees can cover lifetime support. Read the specifics of every warranty to understand the terms and conditions applied as well as the time to claim any repairs; do not assume they are all the same.


Make sure any gear you get is compatible with your computer. As global tech manufacturers compete with one another, they design different gear to only be compatible with certain devices. But even if the issue is not competitive, some gear will only be compatible with certain newer technologies. Make sure any gear you purchase will work with the device you use. For example, if you buy a headset, make sure the jack it uses has a connection port on your computer. Make sure any hardware you get is compatible with your operating system to avoid any issues with drivers. If you aren’t sure, ask the salespeople for help.


Almost every piece of computer gear you can think of will have a compact, portable counterpart. While this compaction can, at times, affect the quality of the device, it mostly just offers a benefit. However, the more compact and portable an item is, the likelier it is to be more expensive. This isn’t a definite rule, but will likely be the case. Portability may not be an issue if you use a desktop computer and can afford to have the gear you purchase to be placed by your set up, but if you’re always on the go and prefer using a laptop, be sure to consider lighter, more portable options for the gear you’re considering buying.

New tech gear is always exciting. Computer gear is like toys for us adults. With innovations, improved designs, and constant improvement of features, you’re constantly on the hunt for the latest and greatest the tech world has to offer. But just bear in mind the many ways you can be susceptible to bad purchasing choices. Research online to find the best gear for your needs; many people post video reviews if you prefer to see the product in the hands of a consumer. This research will also help you understand what the gear cost, how much noise it makes, whether it is compatible with your setup, how portable it is, and what is offered in terms of their warranties and guarantees. With adequate research, you’re bound to make the best purchases possible and get the best deals available.

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