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Benefits and Risks when Drinking Cold Water



Staying properly hydrated is one of the keys to staying healthy but many people still debate over whether drinking water is good or bad for you. One big benefit of drinking cold water is that it can help you lose weight. Another benefit of drinking cold water is that it can help keep your body from overheating during periods of physical exertion or when it’s exposed to hot temperatures. Whether cold or hot, drinking 3 bottles of water or more can help you flush out toxins and pass a urine drug test, according to this study. One downside of drinking cold water is that it can restrict your digestion when it’s consumed during or after eating food. Finally, a relatively uncommon risk of drinking cold for most people is that it can trigger certain ailments like migraines if the drinker is susceptible to them. This article will go over a few of the benefits and risks of drinking cold water.

Aids Weight Loss

Believe it or not drinking cold water can actually help you with weight loss. When you drink cold water your body needs to warm it up to be able to properly absorb it into your body and it accomplishes this task by burning calories. This may only burn up a few calories per glass but if you drink cold water for months on end this can actually add up to thousands of extra calories being burned! And if you want quicker results you can try the ECA stack cycle. One thing to note is that the colder the water you drink the more calories it will take to bring it up to body temperature.

Help Regulate Body Temperature

When you workout your body burns lots of energy in the form of calories to get the task done which has the side effect of heating your body. If your body is exerting itself the best advice is to drink some cool water to keep your endurance, the reason behind this is that the water is helping your body from overheating. Your body works optimally at a temperature of around 36.1°C to 37.2°C, so if your body falls above or below this range it can lead to some unwanted consequences such as fatigue, dizziness, and even unconsciousness if left unchecked. By drinking cold water when you exert yourself or are in a hot environment you’re aiding your body to regulate its temperature meaning you’ll have better endurance and can better avoid the negative effects of hyperthermia.

Restricts Digestion

When you drink cold water a side effect is that your blood vessels will shrink from the coldness. This has the positive effect of giving your body a healthy-looking glow but it also can hamper your body’s ability to digest food since it’s harder for your blood cells to circulate nutrients around it. Drinking cold water during or after eating food has been shown to lead to digestive issues such as constipation or indigestion. Many experts suggest drinking warm or room temperature water with meals to aid digestion and get the most out of your meals.

Trigger Certain Ailments

A surprising fact is that drinking cold water can trigger or aggravate certain illnesses in some situations. Some studies have shown that drinking cold water can trigger migraines so if you are prone to them be sure to drink warm water. Additionally, drinking cold water has also been noted to increase the symptoms of achalasia when consumed so similarly if you suffer from this condition you should drink warm water. Drinking cold water has also been associated with a thickening of nasal mucus which can be an unwanted side effect if you’re under the weather with a cold or flu. On the other hand, if you drink warm water when you have a head cold it will help loosen up nasal mucus and help you breathe more easily.

Drinking cold water comes with both benefits and risks so it’s important to be aware of both before you decide to chug back your next ice-cold glass of H2O. A little known fact about drinking cold water is that it can help you lose weight since it takes more calories to absorb into your body. Another major benefit of drinking cold water is that it can help cool your body down and ward off the effects of hyperthermia when it’s exerting itself or is exposed to hot temperatures. On the other hand, drinking cold water during or after a meal can have negative impacts on your digestion. Besides, it has also been shown to aggravate or even trigger certain illnesses like migraines and achalasia. Not all water is the same, so keep these tips about the benefits and risks of drinking cold water in mind and you’ll be a master of hydration in no time!

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