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Top 6 Reasons Why Direct Mail is Still Effective in 2023



For many people, the primary method of contacting someone for hundreds of years was through direct mail. This old-fashioned, analog method of conveying a message to someone might seem like it is losing its appeal in the modern age, but this is not the case. There are many reasons why direct mail is still an incredibly effective tool in 2023, and this article will seek to touch on 6 main reasons. There is no need to completely write off direct mail.

Additionally, direct marketing using a direct mail automation platform like Postalytics has been shown to bring high returns for businesses by streamlining the process, providing targeting and personalization options, and offering tracking and analysis tools.
Use these tips and tricks to effectively use direct mail for your personal, business, or marketing needs and you will not be disappointed.


  • More Personal


The number one thing that makes direct mail so effective is that it feels much more personal to us. In these times, everything is online and you are constantly bombarded with different messages, spam emails, bots messaging you on social media, and popup ads. Getting a personal letter from an individual or company is somewhat of a rarity these days. This means that any direct mail you choose to send out for personal or business reasons will have an extra impact. You can use this knowledge to craft some letters that will be meaningful and have a much higher chance of being read in a more personal light than a simple email or DM would.


  • Developing Technologies


Despite people thinking that direct mail is an old and outdated method of communication, there are still new technologies constantly being developed to push direct mailing services to more efficient practices. The experts at FP Mailing believe that all-sized businesses, from a small start-up business to a large corporate, still utilize direct mailing as one of the most cost-effective ways to reach out to customers. If you are looking to learn more about the technologies available, then you can explore numerous resources that will inform you and make you aware of all options on the table.


  • High ROI


In terms of marketing, you would think that methods of advertising that use online technology and other strategies would have a much higher ROI (return of investment) than an older method, such as direct mail, would have. This is actually not true, with direct mail having a higher return rate than online strategies. You can use this knowledge to alter your marketing campaigns to include some more direct mail to recoup a higher portion of your investment. This will allow you to lead a much more successful marketing campaign and give you a jump on your competition.


  • Less Common


One thing that is true of the internet is that it is incredibly oversaturated with advertising campaigns. Every free space on a website is usually filled up with ad banners, pop up ads, and other forms of advertising. If you want to run a campaign that stands out, then using direct mail would be useful because there is far less saturation in that medium. Similarly, if you are trying to get important personal messages out to clients, friends, or family, then using direct mail can make sure that your message actually gets read and taken seriously. Emails can sometimes go unopened for years, with many people’s inboxes having hundreds or even thousands of unread messages.


  • Tangible 


Direct mail is without a doubt much more tangible than digital communications such as Facebook, email, or others. There is a much lower chance of someone printing out the email you sent them to put on their fridge, compared to the likelihood of them doing the same with a nice handwritten letter. People also like to get mail. It can be exciting waiting for something to come in the mail, which is likely why the online shopping industry has thrived in recent years. If you are the person who believes in quality over quantity, then sending handwritten direct mail is something you should consider.


  • Good for All Ages


Another appealing thing about direct mail is that it is good for people of all ages. You do not need to worry about your child seeing an inappropriate pop up in a letter they are reading, and your elderly grandparents have no problem using direct mail since it is what they grew up with!

Hopefully, this article has been helpful and informative regarding the different ways in which you or your business can still effectively use direct mail in 2020. There are a surprisingly large number of uses for what some would call an archaic method of communication. By following the concrete strategies listed in this article then you should have no problem effectively implementing a direct mailing successfully.

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