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How To Support Local Restaurants During A Pandemic



When things kicked off and shut down all around the country mid-march, millions of small businesses around the country felt the blowback of the economy coming to a screeching halt.

With so many unknown variables surrounding Coronavirus, everyone flocked the markets and bought as much food as possible because many thought eating out wasn’t safe. They thought that their food could be tainted by someone preparing the food if they were infected.

We still don’t have as much information as we’d like to have surrounding Coronavirus, but it seems that people have calmed down enough to eat out.

Besides, aren’t you tired of cooking three meals a day? Not to mention, cleaning up after all of those meals!

Here are some simple ways to support your local restaurants and give yourself a much-needed break in the kitchen.

Do Your Research

Many people have expressed fears surrounding food preparation and the transmission of COVID. However, the CDC states that there is no evidence supporting this fear and that it’s safe to eat in restaurants.

It’s natural to be a little apprehensive about the whole situation. Still, you can also go off of your previous experiences with a particular restaurant. If they have a long-standing history of clean food-handling processes, that’s a good indication that they are following all of the necessary precautions needed at the moment.

Purchase Gift Cards When Possible

Is a friend or relative’s birthday approaching? If so, it’s the perfect opportunity to support your local restaurants by purchasing gift cards as gifts.

The initial gift card purchase helps business, but there’s room for add-ons and upsells to those gift card purchases. It’s helping them generate more business in general, and these days, that’s more than some can do!

Be Kind & Tip Those Working In These Challenging Conditions

Some have the advantage of working from home, ordering out for their groceries, and taking other precautions that protect themselves and their families from COVID (to an extent). When visiting essential businesses that have to remain open, or even those who have to work to support their families––be patient and kind.

If you see that they’re doing an outstanding job, give them a tip! Put yourself in their shoes and understand how challenging working in these conditions can be.

Support Family-Owned Restaurants When Possible

The local restaurants that are suffering the most are those mom & pop establishments that might have been barely holding on when the economy came to a halt. The restaurant industry is a hard one to make it in, 60% of restaurants will fail within the first year, and 80% of the remainder will fail within the next five years.

Stats like this combined with COVID fears, precautions, and the government shutdowns make it very hard for smaller establishments to stay afloat. It’s much easier for the corporations to make it, even though many of those larger establishments shut down many locations in light of the global pandemic we’re experiencing.

Donate To Restaurant GoFundMe Pages

Restaurants have to be creative in light of all the changes that are taking place. Some of them have created GoFundMe pages for their supporters to reach out and donate if possible. Many had to close their doors and had no idea how to buy groceries, pay bills, or handle anything else that required money.

In past times, we’ve seen GoFundMe campaigns come through and really help people in their time of need, especially with the right social media attention behind the cause.

Write Helpful Reviews

Did you know that 93% of consumers state that reviews have an influence on their purchase decisions?

In times like these, people are checking restaurant reviews to better understand how restaurants are conducting themselves and food preparation. If you have a pleasant experience with a restaurant, write a positive review to let others know it’s an establishment that can be trusted.

Things To Remember

We can all find ways to support fellow members of our community. These are just a few ways to support the cause, but just know, your actions are much appreciated by those fighting for the survival of their business.

As far as all of the COVID factors, known and unknown, don’t let it stress you out. In all honesty, there’s only so much we can do to protect ourselves, especially when many feel like we’re missing out on vital information.

Instead, find things to do that encourage inner peace and allow you to order from these restaurants that need your support. These restaurants don’t want to close their doors and depend on the community. Don’t allow this to feel like a pressure you can’t handle.

In times of significant stress, it’s important to find a healthy outlet.

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CBD vape pens produce a full-body relaxation that can be helpful for any stress that’s COVID-related—especially when it seems like things are becoming more complicated every day.

But supporting your local businesses doesn’t have to be complicated; just buy local.

They need us now more than ever.

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