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Why You Should Use Amazon Marketing Services



With more and more consumers using Amazon every single day, Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) might sound like a good deal. People love to shop on Amazon; they look for the products they desire on that platform instead of using search engines. One would think that the staggering number of search queries on Amazon would create competition for online retail businesses, but the introduction of AMS has changed that fact entirely, as it leverages eCommerce businesses by making them join the trend. So, if you’re contemplating using Amazon Marketing Services, here are a couple of reasons to support your decision.

Brand Visibility

Using AMS is going to help improve your brand’s visibility by displaying your products alongside competing brands. So, when a consumer is about to make a purchase, they’ll happen upon your product and might convert their purchasing decision. Your brand will gain more visibility when people start recognizing your products. Getting more people to know your brand should improve your brand visibility, get more people to visit your website to purchase your products, and increase revenue. Many retail vendors have noted that the results of using AMS are significantly better than just using an eCommerce website to sell their products.

A Good Deal for a Good Cost

Amazon marketing services offer you a great deal by increasing the number of people viewing your products for a good price range for the ads. Using this type of ad means that you’re going to place a maximum bid on keywords and/ or products you want to be displayed. Usually, the costs for pay-per-click ads range between $0.50 and $1.50. This number changes according to the competition on products or keywords that you’re using.

If you want to buy keywords for popular products, you’re going to end up paying more, while using unique keywords for niche products might cost you less. So, before you start your AMS campaign, make sure to calculate the costs first and set a time frame for running that campaign to determine whether or not your budget will cover the costs. An AMS campaign can start with a few hundred dollars, but you can increase the amount later when you get high returns as a result of that investment.

You Will Have a Larger Audience

Amazon Marketing Services is singularly dedicated to the buyers, because it will display your products, as we’ve mentioned above, to buyers who are already browsing Amazon with purchasing intent.

Any type of eCommerce business has a specific audience they’re targeting. If you’re using Amazon Marketing Services, then your job is going to be much easier, as these ads are going to target that audience instead of you having to use demographic strategies to attract your audience. In addition to this, your audience is going to be willing to purchase instead of just browsing through items and maybe buying them later.

Amazon is the Best Retail Vendor of Its Kind

Amazon’s success continues to grow by leaps and bounds each year. This online retail store is expanding in international consumer markets. With the help of whole foods acquisition and consumer segments like Echo and Alexa, it has become an integral part of retail sectors and it is almost taking control over the online marketing world.

So, using AMS is, by no means, going to end up in a failure. With the 310 million active users and more than 100 million Amazon Prime subscribers, AMS is a great strategy to leverage your business to succeed in the retail sector, as evidenced by the skyrocketing projections of initiating an AMS campaign.

You Can Make Video Ads

Sometimes, advertising for a product only works best when you use videos as opposed to using images alone. Explaining how complex a product is to your audience only works well if it’s demonstrated in an animated form with attractive designs and good music.

Luckily, AMS allows you to display brand video ads related to search queries, as they are effective in gaining consumer attention while they’re looking through their search results. Mastering the art of making video ads, especially when they are supported by AMS, is an essential part of your marketing campaign and will increase the number of conversions and clickthrough rates.

Despite how Amazon Marketing Services is new compared to other services like Google Shopping, it still can make a pivotal change for your brand’s visibility and conversion rates. The bidding costs are relatively cheap compared to other services, so you’ll really get a great deal. So, if you think that search engine algorithms are not working for you, make sure to give Amazon Marketing Services a try.

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