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Here’s What You Need to Do Immediately After an Accident



No matter how good you are, accidents, unfortunately, can happen to anyone. At first, you are probably very confused, in a state of shock. That’s of course if we are talking about “the lighter” version of events where no one is hurt, besides your car.

Even though you are presumably mad at yourself or (if it’s not your fault) the person who caused this chaos, it’s important to take a deep breath before you decide to take any further steps. Staying calm in that turbulent moment should be your number one priority.

Once you’ve managed to reach that state of mind, you can think about the next steps, and we are here to offer you some guidelines.

See if you or other passengers have any injuries

Although things may seem blurry and bewildering at that moment, you still have to take care of yourself. If you are not able to do so, ask someone who is in a better condition to do it instead.

The second option is to dial 911 and wait for their arrival. On the other hand, if you’re doing just fine, but it seems like others are not as well, call emergency services, and ask them to come.

Exchange important information

Each country has different laws when it comes to the amount of info a person must give at the scene. Still, some basics must be considered, such as your name and details regarding your insurance.  Further, it’s advisable to get as much information as you can regarding this accident because these facts might be useful for you, especially if you weren’t the one to blame. These include:

  • Name and insurance info of the other driver
  • If there’s a witness, you might want to get their telephone number
  • Contact info of the other driver. He/she might not be in the mood to give it, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be asking
  • Pictures of your vehicle (if there’s any damage)
  • Write down what exactly happened
  • Police report number
  • The name, as well as a telephone from that policeman

Do not admit anything!

No matter what anyone else claims, if you know that it wasn’t your fault, do not admit anything under any circumstances. If you’re not sure what to do, it’s best to contact your lawyer or someone else familiar with this case, who can give you useful advice.

These situations are nowhere near simple, and gathering more information concerning your case in particular or a similar one can be of great help. If you don’t have an attorney or any other legal advisor, this useful guide may give you some beneficial suggestions that could help you come out as a winner from all of this! During any discussion after a car accident, make sure you are saying all the right things and to be careful with words. You can never know if someone (especially the other participant) might use it against you. Since you’re not guilty, pay attention to this!

Contacting insurance

It doesn’t matter whether it is your fault or not, staying in touch with your insurance agency, especially in this case. Reporting an accident to them is of a huge relevance. You do not want to let the other side claim that you were responsible for this entire crash. If you allow that to happen, you’ll then be forced to file a collision claim. Furthermore, it is recommendable to even call the insurance company of the other driver, however, bear in mind that you’re not supposed to give them any statements or sign any documents before you consult with someone first!

When it comes to expenses, in the beginning, you will probably have to pay the insurance deductible. However, on a more positive note: If your insurance agency manages to form some sort of agreement with the other driver’s insurance provider, they will give you all the money back.

What To Do If It Is Your Fault?

Well, if you caused this incident then it’s best to stay with other participants involved, such as insurance providers, the other driver, and the police. Do everything that’s in your power to be as helpful as much as you can.

Several steps can be taken in this situation, that could be helpful to you:

  1. Try to be as relaxed as possible. You do not want to trigger a panic attack
  2. Exchange information with the other driver (policy details, insurance number, mobile phone)
  3. Call the police and report the car accident
  4. Contact your insurance company

Whatever happens, make sure to take good care of yourself. Stand up for your rights no matter what happened, and if it’s not your fault, do your best to receive compensation for any caused damages. The suggestions we listed were the most important ones, and we hope they were helpful.

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