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Kids Teeth Urges Parents to Keep Up With Children’s Dental Checkups, Cleanings



Press Release

During the coronavirus pandemic, it’s tempting to put off routine medical care and checkups. But delaying those important exams could lead to additional problems down the road. The doctors and staff at Mount Pleasant pediatric dentist Kids Teeth are urging parents to keep up those regular dental checkups and cleanings for their children.

“Dentistry is essential health care,” said Dr. Mike Myers, board certified dentist at Kids Teeth. “Studies have shown that underlying dental and periodontal disease puts patients at an increased risk for other systemic illnesses.”

Kids Teeth offers some ways parents can make children’s oral health a priority – even during a pandemic.

Prevention: Brushing twice daily, flossing, and visiting the dentist twice per year are the best ways to prevent early-stage cavities from growing into more serious issues. Catching issues, like cavities, early can prevent pain, infection, and the need for emergency treatments.

Routine: Creating a dental routine for your child reduces anxiety and makes it more likely they’ll enjoy their trips to the dentist. Visiting the same dental office regularly helps children get familiar with the pediatric dental practice, its surroundings and the dental team.

Improved Overall Health: Untreated dental issues can cause pain and infections that may lead to problems with eating, speaking, playing, and learning.

Save Money: Skipping your biannual cleanings and X-rays can cost you more in the long run. Paying for preventative dental care is much less expensive than paying for fillings, crowns and other expensive procedures to repair damage missed due to lack of regular care.

Reinforcement: Children tend to tune out their parents. Sometimes they need another adult or doctor to reinforce messages about brushing, flossing and good dental hygiene habits.

The team at Kids Teeth understands that parents are even more concerned about the health and safety of medical offices right now. Kids Teeth always prioritizes the health and care of their patients and families. In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the team has taken additional precautions to keep patients, families and staff safe.

“We understand that these are different times, and we must add these extra safety measures to protect our patients and staff,” said Dr. Will MacDonald, board certified pediatric dentist at Kids Teeth. “But there’s no reason we can’t continue the Kids Teeth experience that patients and parents love.”

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