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Charleston Area World AIDS Day Announces Virtual Events



Every year on World AIDS Day, communities around the world reflect on the lives of those we have lost to HIV/AIDS, honor the survivors who are living, and to recognize the advancement in care and medical treatment since the first days of the epidemic.

The Charleston Area World AIDS Day Committee of SHAPE (Sexual Health and STI Prevention and Education Tri-county – SHAPE) invites the community to take part in this year’s commemorations.

On Tuesday, December 1st, starting at 6:30 pm via virtual broadcast on the SHAPE Tri-county and Charleston Area World AIDS Day Facebook pages, and the Palmetto Community Care YouTube page, the annual Charleston World AIDS Day Community Candlelight Vigil will recognize those who have passed while honoring the legacy of survivors and the progress that’s has been made since the early days of AIDS. If you would like to submit names, photos, or memories for the service,  post on Twitter and use #CHSWAD2020 or submit via the #CHSWAD2020 Social Wall.

Then on Friday, December 4th at 9 am, the community is invited to take part in the fourth annual World AIDS Day Brunch and Learn on the same social media platforms. This year, the organizations will have community partners that speak on the importance of comprehensive sex ed in schools and how that can help Charleston and the surrounding area, as a Fast Track City, reach goals that will lead to ending the epidemic by focusing on prevention.

Charleston Area World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil and Brunch & Learn can be viewed on the following pages LIVE:

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