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15 of the Most Fun Jobs That Pay Well Too



When I was younger I always wanted to be a bingo caller. Imagine the power they hold over a room, as people wait, rapt, wondering what the next words out of your mouth might be. I also imagined making up my own naughty rhymes for the numbers – but that’s for a different article!

Some lucky souls in the world get to go to work and have the most amazing amount of fun. Not only do they play rather than work, they get paid an astonishing amount of money to do it too.

Ferrari Driving Instructor

You’re thinking, “No way”, right? No way is there somewhere out there who gets to drive Ferraris and get paid for it. Not only do they not have to spend half a lifetime saving the money to buy the car, but they get back well over £100k for the pleasure. Sign you up? Well, you can apply for the job if you have extensive experience in professional motor car racing and have passed some of the most brutal driving expert courses in the world.

Video Game Player

Yes, it is true – developers pay people to pay video games for a living, to check that normal mortals will love them too. So, these gaming fanatics get to play games for a living and earn close ro £40k for the privilege. Before you cry into your coffee, this does depend on demand. You also cannot be average at playing video games either. You need to be at the level where you can compete in the top competitions in the world.

Caretaker of a private island

Fancy a holiday every day of the year? Imagine having your own piece of the world to look after as your own. You live in solitude with only the occasional visitor and you get paid £80k a year. While you need to be a good swimmer and with an adventurous spirit, there are opportunities here for mere mortals too. The only skill set that might need some development is your ability to market the island to the rest of the world and offer reports back to HQ.

Food Stylist

Your job will be to put makeup on food. Weird, we know. But you are tasked with turning wonderful dishes made by top chefs into a divine image for a photograph for a magazine or cookbook. And there are always leftovers – and you are obliged, as the person making it look stunning, to taste the product. All you need is the fine touch of a designer but with the most profound knowledge about food. We all eat, right? Well, ifyou are skilled enough you can take home a massive £50k a year for your pleasure.

Voice actor

Remember when you were little and you made up voices. Imagine this is now your job and they give you £60k for playing. You just need a great voice and some knowledge of how to control it. This might be harder than we think.

Bomb diffuser

AKA unexploded ordnance technician… technically this is a “fun” job for an adrenaline junky. You get paid to blow things up, people! There are a lot of qualifications to earn but you will then earn over £120k per year for your destructive ways.

Ice cream taster

There is no need to analyse this one. You eat ice cream for a living. You can be paid about £40k. Say no more.

Write crossword puzzles

Be that fiendsih person who confuddles a whole population over their breakfast meal… and earn up to £50k for the pleasure. You do need an amazing vocabulary and work well to deadlines… are you that word geek?

Blimp Pilot

You get to be the centre of the attention from afar… while floating around in the sky admiring the view. You get that magic £50k if you have a lot of flight time…

Toy Designer

Who needs to grow up when you can be the person designing the toys! And, of course you have to test them – right? You may need some design knowledge and an interest in kid psychology – but it is well worth the effort for £50k a year to have this much fun.

Fortune Cookie Writer

It is time you got witty and pithy and sought your fortune in a cookie.

Hollywood Stunt Performer

So, you get to pretend to be Tom Cruise’s butt cheeks during a daring, fiery swim across a Los Angeles film lot. Yeah, that sounds cool and if you are talented at your job it could be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds a project.

A Disneyland Character

We might only think this is fun because you get to spend all day at Disneyland.  You do need to love kids and you will need to stay in character a long time… but £28k a year to wave like Mickey? I’m in.


A what-lier? A wine taster. Oh ok. Say no more.

Fim critic

Get invited to film launches, see the movie before anyone else, get your name on the posters – and be chatted up by famous people. We don’t care how much we would be paid for this. Amazing.

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