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CVSC Announces Three New Board Members



Press Release

Conservation Voters of South Carolina (CVSC) announced today the appointment of three new members of its Board of Directors. 

Joining the CVSC Board are Bruce Cole, Willie Morgan, and Mark Robertson. “Our three newest Board members recognize the value of fighting to protect the South Carolina we love and bring talent, expertise and energy to the table. We are very fortunate to have them by our side as we work to protect our air, land, and water through bipartisan and pragmatic political action,” said John Tynan, CVSC’s Executive Director.

Bruce Cole is Managing Director of Palmetto Realty Advisors. He has been engaged in real estate, financial services, and financial management for various companies for over 30 years, and holds degrees in Planning and Design from Clemson, Business Administration from Stanford University, Accounting from Northeastern University, and Economics from Harvard University. Bruce also serves as newly elected chair of the Executive Committee for the SC Chapter of the Sierra Club and is the 2019 recipient of their Joe Neal Environmental Justice Award.

Willie Morgan is the South Carolina State Manager for the Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, where he provides training and technical assistance to rural, low-income communities and others related to electric, natural gas, water, and wastewater utility issues. He served as Deputy Director for Utility Rates for the SC Office of Regulatory Staff and Permitting Liaison for the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control. He holds degrees in Management from Webster University and Engineering from University of South Carolina. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer and a Certified Public Manager. Willie also serves as a Deacon for Brookland Baptist Church and Sunday School and vacation bible school teacher.

Mark Robertson recently retired from conservation work, having worked for The Nature Conservancy for 34 years as the founding director of the Florida Keys Initiative and 21 years as South Carolina State Director. Throughout his career, Mark worked on all aspects of non-profit conservation work including conservation strategy, public policy, fundraising, supporting volunteer leaders, financial management, and staff management and leadership. He holds degrees in Biology from the College of William & Mary and Environmental Science from the University of Virginia. Mark also serves on the Board of Directors for the Gills Creek Watershed Association and served one term on Arcadia Lakes Town Council.

Conservation Voters of South Carolina is the political voice for conservation in South Carolina, working to elect conservation-minded lawmakers, advocate for conservation legislation in the Statehouse, and engage voters and advocates in this work. A 16 year old organization, CVSC prides itself on being a bipartisan, pragmatic, and effective conservation organization that has successfully advanced policies to protect clean water, increase clean energy, slow climate change, and protect citizens’ rights to a clean and healthy environment.

For more information about CVSC, visit
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