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How Sports Betting Affects The Future of Games



It’s difficult to determine when people started to place wagers on games, but it’s possible that the practice is almost as old as the act of competition. Placing bets makes the competition more engaging, and viewers get more emotionally invested as the stakes become slightly higher. However, is it possible that betting can affect sport in a negative way?

Here we will explore how sports betting can affect games or competition in both positive and negative ways. Moreover, we will try to answer the question how betting will continue to influence games in the future.

Can sports betting affect the outcome of the match?

The answer is really obvious, it can. It’s not uncommon that an overwhelming amount of funds is at stake and those who have the means resort to match fixing. One of the more recent match-fixing stories is related to Karim Hossam, a young tennis player who sold out his career. Long story short, someone approached him multiple times before certain matches and offered him a $1000 to lose. Apparently, Karim accepted on one occasion and really made a small profit.

The whole point of watching a sports match is not knowing who will win, despite the odds, and that’s where most of the excitement comes from. Placing betts only amplifies that aspect of excitement, so when someone starts to pull strings in order to make profit it ruins the experience for everyone involved.

This is exactly why in some countries pro athletes are paid now better than even, so they wouldn’t be tempted to jeopardize their career for a short term gain. Furthermore, when someone doesn’t have to worry about financial stability they are more dedicated to the game and personal improvement, which definitely affects the quality of the competition.

Can sports betting affect the viewers?

Once again the answer is yes. Betting is a hobby and it’s more complex than just random guess work. Viewers who place bets love to consider multiple factors so they watch closely and even analyze the available data. In other words, bettors are more than casual spectators, they follow match history, state of the opposing teams or competitors, and even betting sites. One reason why betting is so fun, is because it’s just guesswork.

Sport viewers nowadays visit webpages like to find out user benefits, how it works, and to compare their odds with other online sportsbooks. More importantly viewers become interested in matches they normally wouldn’t, which in term increases the popularity of certain leagues.

Let’s also not forget just how big of a spectacle pro matches have become, and the betting industry definitely played a huge part. As an extremely profitable business, a lot of investments go to advertising, so everyone involved in the organization saw their share. Bigger stadiums, better motion capture technology greater accessibility for the viewers are all results of the financial growth.

Data analysis and sports betting

The odds in sports betting are calculated through data analysis, and data analytic tools in general play a huge role in strategic planning. The modern world is heavily data driven, and the tools for data analysis are being tweaked and refined on a daily basis. The idea of course is to increase the accuracy of results, which brings us back to the future of the sport.

Clearly  human factors are strongly present, so there will always be discrepancies between software generated odds and what actually happens. However, what will happen when these odds start to become more and more accurate as the technology improves? Wouldn’t that take the thrill away from the competition? Well, not really, after all we naturally go for the odds that are in our favore, regardless of outcome, and if more accurate algorithms appear the odds would be adjusted. The only thing the algorithm would affect seriously is fantasy sports because they were virtually made to begin with.

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