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Rep. Mace & Others Introduce Bill to Award Capitol Officer with Congressional Gold Medal



Press Release

U.S. Representatives Nancy Mace (R-SC), Emanuel Cleaver, II (D-MO), and Charlie Crist (D-FL) today announced introduction of a bipartisan bill (H.R. 305) to award United States Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman (right) the Congressional Gold Medal for his bravery and quick thinking during last week’s insurrection at the United States Capitol.

Various media outlets witnessed as Officer Goodman valiantly put himself in harm’s way, luring a violent mob away from an unguarded entrance to the Senate chambers, protecting Senators, staff, and reporters inside.

“The actions of Officer Goodman were heroic and represent the best of law enforcement,” said Congresswoman Mace. “When he was the only thing standing between Members of Congress and the violent mob, he quickly and selflessly redirected their fury upon himself so those Members could escape. Thanks to his valor, we are here today. From the bottom of my heart, I cannot thank him enough for his bravery and for his dedication to the call of duty.”

“He’s a hero!” said Congressman Crist. “The United States Capitol was under attack by armed, violent extremists, and this man, Officer Eugene Goodman, was the one thing standing between the mob and the United States Senate. I shudder to think what might have happened had it not been for Officer Goodman’s fast thinking and commitment to his duty and his country. While some will remember last Wednesday for the very worst in our country, the patriotism and heroics of Officer Eugene Goodman renew my faith and remind us all what truly makes the United States great.”

“In moments of crisis, there are always individuals who rise to the occasion and put themselves in harm’s way in defense of others. On January 6, 2021, one of those individuals was Officer Eugene Goodman,” said Congressman Cleaver. “If not for the quick, decisive, and heroic actions from Officer Goodman, the tragedy of last week’s insurrection could have multiplied in magnitude to levels never before seen in American history. With this prestigious award, we can show our gratitude to Officer Goodman for saving countless lives and defending our democracy.”
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