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Fetter Launches COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics for SC DHEC Phase 1 Distribution



Press Release

Fetter Health Care Network (Fetter) announced it will begin hosting COVID-19 vaccination clinics to distribute the vaccine in accordance with SC DHEC guidelines, beginning with Phase 1 distribution on Wednesday, January 20th. According to SC DHEC, Phase 1 includes distribution of the vaccine to health care workers, persons age 70 or older, mission-critical government employees, and long-term care facility residents and staff.

The first clinic will be held on Wednesday, January 20 from 8 am to 1 pm at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist (7396 Rivers Ave., North Charleston, SC 29406). Fetter plans to distribute 500 vaccines on a first-come, first-serve basis at the clinic site. Vaccinations will only be provided to persons who meet the Phase 1 criteria, as designated by SC DHEC.

Persons who qualify to receive the vaccine during Phase 1 and who are interested in receiving the vaccine should arrive at the clinic and will be asked to complete on-site registration. Those arriving for vaccination should bring personal identification in order to verify they are 70 years of age or older, or proof of employment. For additional information on Fetter’s COVID-19 vaccination clinics, visit

“Our team is honored to take part in this next chapter of caring for our community in the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Aretha R. Powers (Jones), DHA, MPH, MA, CEO of Fetter. “It has nearly been one year since we began hosting our COVID-19 testing clinics and now we will begin administering the vaccine. We are grateful to help be a part of the solution.”

Fetter will continue providing updates on its COVID-19 vaccination clinics at and on social media channels. For more information on Fetter’s health care services and locations, visit

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