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Charleston Entrepreneur Hits the Stage to Memorialize Friend Lost to Lung Cancer, Support Lung Health



Press Release

Charleston entrepreneur Bryan Mahanes isn’t a stranger to stage lights – he has been performing locally since 1995 – but on March 11, he will take the stage for the first time to support the American Lung Association. On March 11, Mahanes will compete in the organization’s Lip Sync For Lungs Live Battle V in memory of a friend who died from lung cancer and to support lung health in Charleston.

Mahanes owns the entertainment agency, Other Brother Entertainment, along with business partner Greg Walker. He also co-owns Stage Presence Equipment Rentals. It was through these companies that he became involved with the Lung Association. In 2012, he was contacted by the local staff to provide entertainment for the Oxygen Ball. Since then, Mahanes has been involved in Lung Association events every year, so this year, he jumped at the chance to be one of the Lip Sync For Lungs celebrity performers.

“I have been doing lip syncing for years with my group the Electric Company, so when I found out about the Lip Sync event, I got super excited,” said Mahanes. “It is such a cool event.”

For the Lip Sync For Lungs event on March 11, Mahanes will compete against four other Charleston celebrities in an epic show-down to win the title of Lip Sync Battle Champion. The event typically takes place at the Charleston Music Hall but was reimagined as a unique drive-in event this year. The new format of the event will allow Mahanes to be more creative and push the boundaries with his performance.

“For my performance, I am joining in with another local celebrity, Kyle Johnson, who is the ‘Superman’ of Charleston,” he said. “This is really going to wow the crowd. They are going to experience something I don’t think they have ever before.”

Mahanes is excited for the event, but more importantly, to support the important work of the local Lung Association.

“Everyone has people in their life who deal with lung issues, and I recently had a good friend pass away from lung cancer. I support this cause because I have personally witnessed so many amazing individuals raise money for the American Lung Association,” he said. “One of my biggest motivations is to really show love for the organization locally and the team, because I have seen them work so hard year after year, and I know their efforts are so important for South Carolina. I am amazed by their spirit and their energy. I appreciate your vote and donate as much as you can.”

The Lip Sync For Lungs Live Battle V will be held March 11 at The Bend, and the event offers a virtual viewing option as well. Learn more about the event, get tickets and help Bryan Mahanes meet his $10,000 fundraising goal by voting at

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