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Charleston Chiropractor to Lip Sync to Raise Money for Lung Health, COVID-19 Relief



On March 11th, Dr. Edward Rak will take the stage for the American Lung Association’s Lip Sync For Lungs. While he is excited to take the stage for this fun event, it is personal for Dr. Rak. He lost his father to complications from smoking.

Dr. Rak has lived in Charleston for more than 20 years. He has his own practice, Rak Specific Chiropractic Clinic, where he specializes in upper cervical care. Dr. Rak is dedicated to helping others improve their health and their lives without the use of pharmaceutical or surgical interventions.

Dr. Rak has ties with some of the veteran Lip Sync For Lungs performers, so when he was asked to perform this year, we was excited to get involved. For the event on March 11th, he will compete against four other Charleston celebrities in an epic show-down to win the title of Lip Sync Battle Champion. The event typically takes place at the Charleston Music Hall but was reimagined as a unique drive-in event this year. For his performance, he plans to really engage the audience.

“It is something right up my alley. I love helping and I love being in front of people,” he said. “I have been in bands before, so I am really comfortable up on stage.”

The event will raise awareness for lung disease, and also fund the Lung Association’s work to end tobacco use, lung disease and lung cancer, which hits close to home for Dr. Rak.

“In addition to having patients with respiratory issues, my father passed away from complications from smoking,” he said. “I lost my father too early; therefore, I take it personally when treating my patients and their love ones with Specific Chiropractic so they don’t have to go through the same pain I did.”

Money raised at Lip Sync For Lungs will fund the Lung Association’s efforts to end lung cancer and lung disease, as well as support the organization’s COVID-19 Action Initiative. The COVID-19 Action Initiative is an investment to address COVID-19 and protect against future respiratory virus pandemics. The initiative works with public and private entities to increase research collaboration and develop new vaccines, detection tests and treatment therapies.

The Lip Sync For Lungs Live Battle V will be held March 11 at The Bend, and the event offers a virtual viewing option as well. Learn more about the event, get tickets and help Dr. Edward Rak meet his $10,000 fundraising goal by voting at

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