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10 Great Essay Writing Tips for Students



Anxious about writing the next essay because you don’t know where to start? True, writing an academic article can be a little daunting, but not after internalizing these tips.

Students are required to write lots of essays as part of their coursework, and it is clear that most struggle through it. While it may seem like an easy task, putting down coherent thoughts in an acceptable format is not as easy as some may like to believe.

Some students choose to struggle through essay writing, and those efforts are rewarded, albeit after a considerable amount of strain. Others prefer to make things simpler for themselves by seeking out Essay Writing Services so that professionals from Canada and other parts of the world can help. If you choose to work with an agency so you can spare your time for other things, then you want to check out the best online. If you choose to write your own, here are tips to make it easier.

Get Familiar with the Topic

Once you have read and understood the topic, get familiar with it. Think of what you can write about it without researching and write these thoughts down to give you a boost. You can then check out a few sources to help sink the knowledge further and make you more comfortable.

Do your Research

Now that you are familiar with the topic, go ahead and start your research. Tying the topic on your search engine should make it much easier as you will find as many sources as you need. At this point, you will need to select the best sources, which for an academic essay are non-competing, published studies.

Once you have established the best, discard the rest and start working on your project. While reading, note the sources that are best for it and copy the link to a separate document since you will need them at the end.

Structure your Essay

An unstructured article is cluttered and quite hard to write since it has no direction. You want to write down an outline to help you get started. It could be as simple as;

  • Introduction
  • Subheading 1
  • Subheading 2
  • Subheading 3
  • Findings
  • Conclusion
  • Citations

With these in place, your work is already broken down into bite sizes and marked in a way you can easily start writing in an organized manner.

Write an Enticing Introduction

Now the writing starts, and it is less daunting now that you already know what to do. Introductions are like windows to a shop; they will either invite readers in or send them away. You want to entice your reader, so here is your chance to show your knowledge on the topic you are about to write. Make it interesting yet informative by quoting and citing other scholars.

Structure your Sentences – Short and Precise

Most writers get so carried away with the content that they forget to write for readers. Short, precise sentences are an ideal way to capture your reader, so take note when they get too long. You also want to keep the writing engaging by using active voice as much as you can and where possible.

Another thing to have in mind is that essays don’t have to be boring, use a few interesting diversions every now and then to engage the reader without veering off-topic too much. Where applicable, use examples to drive a point home. Where possible, use graphs, tables, and point-form writing to be clearer.

Make it Engaging and Informative

Start with the important parts first, then expound them enough. Your readers will be looking for information, so you want to keep your writing as factual as possible. That means your choice of sources will need to be verified and legit.

Conclude your Essay

Everything that has a beginning ends, and so will your essay. You want to conclude by summarizing the essay so that one would have an idea of what the essay was about even if they just decided to scan to the end. Conclusions are usually shorter than introductions since they are summaries.

Include Sources

Your essay is incomplete without citations and sources. For information to be accepted as accurate by other academicians, it has to be backed up with published studies. This is a crucial part of essay writing, and it might even be rejected if you failed to include them. As we mentioned earlier, the links you copied during research are the ones you will mention at the end of your document.

Edit your Work

After you are done writing your essay, you want to proofread it then make edits to be sure everything is aligned to the title. The best revision happens after the article has rested a bit to give you time to view the writing with a clear mind. If you have the time, let it rest for a day, then edit it the next to see whether anything needs restructuring and changing.

Ask for Peer Review

If your friends are studying a similar course or are up to reviewing your work, it doesn’t hurt to have a spare set of eyes check it. They will let you know what you should have done differently or whether the essay is relevant to the study you did. While this is not the norm, especially for coursework that is only meant to satisfy a small part of your requirements at school, the practice helps establish some ethics that will be handy when writing more demanding scholarly material later in your study.

Make Writing a Habit

One of the secrets to writing better each time is doing it as often as possible. You don’t have to find the most complex topic; a journal of your day is enough to oil the machine that is your brain to help you write better. It also helps to read often as you get the point of view of other writers. Again, a little a day will lead to positive changes.

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