Dee Norton Child Advocacy Center Shares Safety Tips for Parents and Caregivers
Does the program conduct background checks on all employees?
How is staff screened?
Does the agency/program have a policy in place that no child is to be left alone with an adult?
Does the camp have ACA accreditation? (The American Camp Association evaluates the camp’s safety, health, program and camp operations.)
What is the ratio of staff to children?
What training does the staff receive to keep children safe?
Does this place have a child protection policy regarding how they report suspected abuse? Who monitors compliance?
Does the policy mandate reporting to all authorities?
How does the camp handle emergencies?
Are staff and campers who are sick or have recently had a close contact with a person with COVID-19 actively encouraged to stay home?
What hygiene practices does the program have in place?
Will face masks be required at this program?
What strategies is the program implementing to maintain a healthy environment?
What measures will be put in place to observe social distancing?
Can groups be kept small and distancing protocols observed?
Has the program implemented any physical barriers?
What policies are in place should a staff member or child test positive for COVID-19 and how are these monitored?