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Make Every Day Count: 5 Plants That You Can Grow Indoors



Old ways might say that plants belong in the garden, out in the sun, and away from the indoors where we live and work. But this article is here to tell you that this isn’t the case anymore. In fact, adding plants to your home is an effortless way to bring nature into your household.

Nature is essential to our life as it helps us breathe and sustain life. Make your everyday life count by adding plants to your bedroom, comfort room, living room, etc. Indoor plants boost your mood, increase productivity, and many more! You may even live longer just by adding plants near you. Here are five plants that can surely make you and your family contented:

1. Bromeliad

Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) come from a large family of plants. It ranges from small air plants that resemble small shrubs, to plants that cover entire trees. The foliage of this plant can be thick and fleshy. Some varieties however, have spikes along their leaves. If you purchase a bromeliad plant with sharp spikes, be sure to keep an eye on where you’re touching to avoid getting hurt.

Bromeliads are known for their tolerance to low light conditions, making them the ideal plant to add to your home decor. Even though this plant can tolerate such situations, be sure to place this plant in a place where it will thrive the most. Bright, indirect sunlight or fluorescent office or home lighting is the way to go.

Additionally, you can grow bromeliads in a container which is an ideal criterion for house plants. Be sure that the window box has good drainage. If you can grow a plant in a container, it is easy to maintain as it is portable. 

2. Daffodils 

Daffodils, also known by its scientific name narcissus, are easy to take care of and reliable spring-flowering bulbs. They can multiply quickly, and daffodils blooming in the early spring are magnificent; you have to see it for yourself.

You don’t have to worry when planting them as they are not picky with what soil you use. It will thrive in the sun or part shades, and they are not bothered by animals like rabbits or deer.

The flower, bulb, and leaf of this plant can be used as medicine. Individuals take this for asthma, colds, and persistent coughs. Of course, be sure to contact a licensed physician before taking this plant as a herbal alternative to prescription drugs.

3. Maidenhair Fern

The Maidenhair Fern, also known by its scientific name: Adiantum. In general, these plants are known for their green color with black or brown leaf stems, although the leaves’ colors can be variegated.

Just like Daffodils, people use Maidenhair Fern as medicine. It is used for coughs, persistent caught, bronchitis, and heavy menstruation with painful cramps. Additionally, it can also loosen chest congestion. Many may not know this, but Maidenhair Ferns is applied directly on the scalp of those with hair loss to make their hair darker.

4. Zanzibar Gem

Zanzibar Gem (Zamioculcas) is an ornamental rhizomatous perennial plant that is 45 to 60 centimeters tall with dark green leaves that are leathery and glossy. It is often cultivated indoors. When watering this plant, ensure that you provide sufficient water as it can lose its leaves if you don’t offer it with the right amount of water.

The Zanzibar Gem can tolerate low light making it one of the ideal plants to have in-home and offices. Additionally, it is a stunning home decor to add to certain places of a house.

5. Amaryllis

Amaryllis also goes by its scientific name, hippeastrum. It has an erect and hollow stem that can reach up to 18 to 36 inches in height. Its stem is green with a tinge of the color purple. In addition to this, it has an underground bulb that is one to four inches wide. The bulbs of the amaryllis plant can produce up to three to seven leaves and two flowering stalks.

The amaryllis plant commonly means beauty, love, and determination. The Victorians associate this flower with strength and determination because of its apparent height and sturdiness. Additionally, it can mean success; it is given to people who had a hard-won achievement.

Keep in mind that all the family of the amaryllis plant is toxic. It can be harmful to both humans and pets alike. It can cause severe implications like abdominal pain, tremors, excess saliva, and induce vomiting. Merely look at the plant and enjoy its vibrant beauty.


Taking care of a plant can be serious work or a low maintenance one, depending on what plant you want to add to your home. Plants are a great addition to the decoration of your home as it is aesthetically pleasing. Still, plants are not just used for design anymore. It can make your life easier and can improve your health. You will surely reap the results of this decision.

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