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Investing lessons from George Soros



After management fees, George Soros, the maverick hedge fund founder, has achieved significant annual returns. Investors admire his flagship, Quantum Fund. Soros has spent decades at the top of the class of the world’s elite investors, despite the hostility created by his trading strategies and the controversy around his investing theory. He was dubbed “the world’s best money manager” by Institutional Investor magazine in 1981.

Soro’s Philosophy

George Soros is a speculator who invests in the short term. He bets on the trajectory of the capital markets in large, leveraged bets. His well-known hedge fund is known for its global macro strategy, which entails placing large, one-way bets focused on macroeconomic research on the fluctuations of currency markets, commodity prices, commodities, shares, derivatives, and other properties.


Simply put, Soros is betting on the valuation of these shares rising or falling. Soros researches his goals and bases his trades on the activities of the various stock markets and their participants. He calls the theory that underpins his trading approach “reflexivity.” Orthodox theories of an equilibrium-based business system, in which all knowledge is understood by all market actors and therefore factored into prices, are rejected by the theory. Instead, Soros argues that market players have direct control of market dynamics and that their erratic activity causes booms and busts that present investing opportunities.


Housing rates are a good indicator of how his philosophy works in practice. More customers borrow money as lenders find it easier to get a loan. These people buy houses because they have capital, which leads to an increase in housing demand. Prices rise in response to increased demand. Higher interest rates allow lenders to extend more credit.


More capital in borrowers’ hands leads to increased demand for houses, resulting in an upward spiraling trend in which house values have risen well above what economic conditions would say is rational. The activities of lenders and sellers have had a significant impact on the commodity’s interest. It is no surprise that the world’s most successful Forex traders are massively studying Soros’s experiences for analyzing their own case better, as the innovative ways of him that time are very actual even for today.


A bet founded on the belief that the housing market will collapse is a classic Soros wager. Short-selling premium home builders’ stock or short-selling big mortgage lenders’ stock are two possible investments for profiting as the housing bubble bursts.

Major Trades

“The one who broke the Bank of England,” as Soros is known, will live on forever. Soros, a well-known currency speculator, would not limit his activities to a certain geographic region when looking for opportunities; instead, he considers the whole globe. He borrowed billions of dollars in British pounds and exchanged them for German marks in September 1992. Soros pocketed more than $1 billion in the gap between the value of the pound and the value of the mark during a single day’s trade as the pound collapsed and he repaid his lenders depending on the current, reduced value of the pound. After unwinding his job, he made nearly $2 billion in total.


During the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, he made a similar leap with Asian currencies, engaging in a speculative frenzy that culminated in the baht’s demise. The national currencies on which the speculator’s bet was indexed to other currencies, which meant that arrangements were in place to “prop up” the currencies so that they exchanged in a certain ratio against the currency against which they were pegged. As the speculators placed their bets, currency issuers were required to purchase their currencies on the free market in order to retain the ratios. When nations run short of funds and had to abandon their efforts, the value of their currencies plunged.


Governments were terrified that Soros would become interested in their currencies. When he did, other speculators joined him in what has been described as a wolf pack attacking an elk herd. Smaller states were unable to survive the attack due to the vast sums of capital that speculators could borrow and manipulate. Despite his incredible popularity, not every bet George Soros made paid off. He projected that the stock market in the United States would begin to climb in 1987. Despite the fact that his investment lost $300 million after the crisis, it nevertheless managed to generate low double-digit returns for the year.


He also lost $2 billion during the Russian debt crisis in 1998 and $700 million in 1999 when he bet on a fall in the software bubble. He purchased largely in expectation of a rise, stinging from the loss. When the economy eventually collapsed, he lost almost $3 billion.

Summing It Up

Trading in the manner of George Soros is not for the faint of heart or the weak of wallet. Betting big and winning big has its drawbacks, as does betting big and losing big. You can’t afford to gamble like Soros if you can’t afford to lose. Although most global macro hedge fund traders choose to keep their heads down to escape the limelight while making their fortunes, Soros has taken a number of very public positions on a variety of issues.


Soros is essentially in a class by himself because of his public stand and phenomenal results. He has amassed legions of supporters among traders and investors, as well as legions of critics among others who have lost money as a result of his speculative ventures, over the course of more than three decades.

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