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City of Charleston Investigates Vandalism of Denmark Vesey Monument



On Sunday, in response to citizen reports, city of Charleston police officers inspected the Denmark Vesey monument in Hampton Park and discovered significant damage to the statue’s granite pedestal (right).

The damage is believed to have been caused between the hours of 12 pm, Saturday, May 29th and 10:30 am, Sunday, May 30th, by a vandal or vandals wielding a large hammer or similar object.

City officials have already begun planning repairs and Charleston police are investigating the incident. Citizens with information are asked to call 843-743-7200 and ask for the Charleston Police Department on duty central detective.

“As with other recent acts of vandalism against our city’s monuments, we will repair this damage,” said Mayor John Tecklenburg. “We will work to punish those who did it. And we will never allow this kind of cowardly misconduct to divide our city or distract our citizens from the real and meaningful progress that we are all making together.”



  1. Val Brown

    May 31, 2021 at 3:55 pm

    Maybe the city should remove the monument like they did other monument s through out the city. Like when they removed John C. Calhoun,s monument.

    • Holy City Sinner

      May 31, 2021 at 5:47 pm

      The Calhoun monument is the only one that’s been removed.

    • Sean A Murphy

      June 1, 2021 at 5:23 am

      John Calhoun DEFENDED slavery and protecting the white South. Do you really kot get it or are you pretending?

  2. Mixan

    May 31, 2021 at 8:24 pm

    Destroying historical monuments is “cool,” remember? That’s what the past few years has taught us all. If you have a personal dislike of a monument, just destroy it. That’s normal now.

  3. LucyFurr

    June 1, 2021 at 10:04 am

    It’s too bad people can’t look at something and make sure it never happens again. You can’t erase history. But you can learn from it. But what do I know.

  4. Richard_1

    June 1, 2021 at 12:23 pm

    I have seen these incidences happen in other countries. Desecration begins with shrines, statues and memorials. Desecration moves to businesses, homes and grave sites, and ultimately, desecration gives way to irradiation of people themselves. We saw it as power was seized by the Communists, the Nazis, and now the so-called Progressives with ANTIFA and BLM doing the dirty work as compliant insurgents.

    • James

      June 1, 2021 at 4:17 pm

      I really don’t think Antifa or BLM would vandalize the Denmark Vesey statue.

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