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The causes of slow heating of your hot water tank



Waiting for warm water while washing your dishes or during your morning shower can be a time-consuming aspect of your long day. If you are experiencing the annoyance of waiting for warm water, you are not alone. Most homeowners wonder why their hot water tank takes so long to warm up and what they can do to fix the problem.

Therefore, before addressing the issue of slow warm water delivery, you need to know what the cause is. In most cases, a combination of factors can slow the delivery of hot water. This article discusses the causes of slow heating of your hot water tank.

Sediment buildup 

The mineral impurities present in your water tap can build up inside your water heater over time, creating a layer of sediment in the bottom of your tank. As the sediment layer gets denser, it can slow down heat transfer from the heating elements to the water in the tank.

Flushing your water heater tank can remove the sediments that are slowing down your water heater. Though you may flush the water heater yourself, many homeowners prefer to leave this specialized task to experts who can carefully monitor the water flow to avoid flooding, for instance, hot water tank services in Winnipeg.

Too large pipes 

When you turn on warm water, the water is at rest in the water supply lines, so it must be used before hot water can reach the faucet. It is the reason why the water from your tap is always cold at first. The larger in diameter your pipes are, the more water they can hold, and the longer it may take for the water you are running to get warm.

Materials of water supply lines also factor into how long you may have to wait for warm water. The thicker and more thermally conductive material is, the more heat it can draw out of the water in the pipe. Hiring a plumber at  boiler service in Winnipeg to change water supply lines with smaller and less conductive piping may allow the water at that faucet or fixture to heat up faster.

Low flow fixtures 

Low-flow plumbing fixtures are a great way to minimize your water bill by limiting the amount of water you use. Nevertheless, if you are not happy with the time it takes to get hot water, you should know that a low flow rate can cause the problem. It is so because low flow fixtures can take time to empty the cold water of your supply lines.

Upgrading taps, shower heads, and other fixtures to high flow-rate models in the areas where your water takes a long to warm up can be the best solution. It can be particularly effective for fixtures in parts of your home that are the furthest from your water heater tank. Some fixtures contain advanced features to increase flow rate only when necessary, such as shower heads with joined valves that reduce the flow rate when the water gets warm.

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