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The 13 Best Acne Scar Treatments, According to Dermatologists



Top estheticians and dermatologists agree on one thing – no one should have to carry acne scars around for life. Truth be told, pimples and zits can be mildly annoying at the very least, but it is the dark spots and acne marks that they leave behind that really haunt us. While there isn’t yet a magic wand that you can wave and get rid of these traumatizing marks overnight, skin care specialists from around the world have developed several effective scar remover procedures that can fade these bumps and marks within a reasonable timeframe.

From treatment of breakouts to preventing pimple marks from reoccurring in the future, here’s a collection of the best some of the best acne scar removal procedures.

1. Steroid Injections instead of Moisturizers

One of the most effective ways of getting rid of marks left behind by stress pimples is by administering steroid shots as soon as you feel the annoying pimples rearing their head. Not only does such a prompt and quick reaction reduce the overall inflammation of an existing/forming pimple head, but the cortisone can also aid in making sure the resulting scar tissue is a bit softer and flatter. This, in particular, will prove to be extremely important when you channel your efforts to fading the scars in future.

2. Dermal Fillers to Beat the Acne System 

Some scars, especially atrophic and icepick scars, can be filled up with a substance that raises the depressed areas to make the overall texture of the skin look evenly textured and void of shadows and dents. A good example of such a filler is hyaluronic acid, which is one of the most common dermal fillers approved by the FDA.

Bellafill is yet another scar filler tailored for permanently filling and fading severe to moderately dented acne marks and scars that you can explore as long as you are above 21 years. You see, unlike other fillers, it contains two vastly different skincare ingredients – polymethylmethacrylate and collagen –  that can improve scarring within a relatively short time frame. The collagen, in particular, allows the skin the luxury to deploy more protein towards correcting the anomaly which is the dented scars.

3. Scar Fillers for Marks Left Behind by Pustules

Conventional scar fillers, just like acne spot treatments, are temporary yet quite effective alternatives to dermal fillers for those who can not outrightly afford the more expensive version.  Unlike the dermal injections, scar fillers are designed to be used like makeup  or concealers. Infact, they come off easily when you decide to get rid of them, otherwise they are a low-cost way of reducing the conspicuousness of your scars.


4. Laser Treatments for Acne Between Eyebrows

Estheticians and skin beauty specialists typically remodel collagen stores using specialized lasers. Although these lasers rarely eliminate the acne scars entirely, they are known to improve their appearance by at least 30%, sometimes even more. What’s more, they can be very convenient in lessening the redness that is often associated with scars and acne marks. A practical example of this is the V-beam pulsed-dye laser that is optimized for red scars. Otherwise, you can use Fraxel lasers to take care of older acne scars that are no longer red.

Having said that, when lasers are used to treat most acne scars, the results achieved often differ or vary dramatically based on two main things;

  • The number of treatments done
  • The amount of downtime that you are willing to sacrifice for your recovery process

Another widely used laser treatment is Erbium laser resurfacing, which is actually considered to be more aggressive and punitive than the above-mentioned Fraxel.

5. Punch Excisions for Body Acne Scars

This one is best reserved for icepick scars, which are often not as broad as boxcar or rolling scars. Top dermatologists, however, advise that if you have to use a punch excision on an acne scar that is not wide at the bottom, you will be trading in one smaller scar for another.

That aside, your skincare specialist will often numb up the pre-treatment area before using a tool that resembles a tiny cookie-cutter to cut the scar before sewing it close with an inconspicuous stitch. The stitch, however, can be removed after just about a week after the procedure – about approximately the time needed for it to heal completely.

This method, nevertheless, is not recommended for people with undertones or darker skin due to the risk of suffering hyperpigmentation.

6. How to Get Rid of Papules Sacrs using Mix and Match Treatments

Often, a multimodal treatment approach for treating acne scars can bear better results than conventional one-at-a-time methods. Top dermatologists, for example, may use Fraxel laser surfacing to smoothen out the texture before using a filler combination of Belotero and Restylane to fill up any severely depressed scars. Later on, they will oversee a few punch excisions to remove any remnant deep atrophic scars surgically. Speaking of which, there are a number of topical and non-invasive treatment options for ongoing/active breakouts that could be used to stave off scarring, which is usually better than attempting to fade scars later.

7.  Retinoid Creams and Sulfur for Acne 

Retinoid creams come in exceptionally handy when you want to clear dark spots that are left in the aftermath of a debilitating acne breakout. They are a good way, especially, of hastening the healing process that sometimes could take months if not years.

Retinoid creams have a few interesting upsides, compared to other acne scar clearing methods. They are, for starters, a quite budget friendly and affordable way of restoring your face’s natural texture and tone. Secondly, the application and administration process is often non-invasive and you won’t need any downtime or off days to recover.

8. Exfoliants and Whiteheads 

Exfoliants are the accessible and cheaper version of the more expensive chemical peels. The best thing about exfoliants is that you can actually make an exfoliating solution at home and use it to rub off any acne scars that could be troubling you.  Ordinarily, you will need a combination of salicylic and glycolic acid to create one which you ought to use at least twice a week to improve the appearance of your acne scars.

9. Salicylic Acid Cleansers and Toners

Cleansing may seem like a normal and often-overlooked part of the skincare process, but you would be surprised to know how significant it is when it comes to clearing dark spots and acne marks. The best foam cleansers, as far  as eliminating dark spots go, are those that contain a decent percentage of salicylic acid which is needed to soften scar tissue and cleanse out the skin.

Toners, on the hand, play a crucial role in exfoliating the skin to stimulate regeneration and overall skin turnover for an overall radiant complexion. Besides, regular exfoliation also opens up the pores and prevents the gradual clogging up that often results in breakouts.

10. Lightening Serums and Body Lotions for Clogged Pores

Nowadays, it is relatively easy to stumble upon body lotions and skin lightening serums which are infused with vitamin C that are capable of attacking acne scars and dark spots with exemplary effectiveness. In other words, armed with some of these lotions, you do not have to spend thousands on expensive scar-lifting procedures to get almost the same results. The same applies to brightening face masks that are increasingly being used to even out hyperpigmentation in just a few weeks.  If you don’t want to go under the knife but are still unsure of what over-the-counter products will work for your skin, visit for the best recommendations.

11. Dermabrasion and Dark Spot Removers 

Microdermabrasion is arguably one of the most common and effective acne scar treatments for a variety of facial marks left behind after a breakout. The good thing about it is that with a little training and practice, you can actually administer it yourself at the comfort of your home. And this is especially necessary when you are dealing with stubborn hypertrophic or keloid scars.

12. Chemical Peels and Retinization 

Chemical peels, albeit considered to be quite uncomfortable by most people, are the holy grail of acne scar treatment methods. They are mostly fashioned out of strong and abrasive acids that are able to peel off the unyielding exterior layer of the scars to allow for skin cell regeneration and a positive cell turnover.

13. Microneedling for Dealing with Chin Acne Scars 

Anecdotal evidence suggests that this is the new way of reducing the overall depth of most acne scars without aggravating any new breakouts that you may have. The method employs small, needle-studdled and handheld rollers to pen the exterior of the scars. The needle is often set up in such a way that it does not necessarily puncture the skin like a shot but, instead, rattles it up to trigger the release of collagen that is then utilized to cover up the scars. If you’re seeking expert-recommended acne scar treatments, consider exploring options like the innovative approach of Dermavel with the plasma pens which can help in achieving smoother and more rejuvenated skin.

In Closing

As you can see, there is no shortage of convenient ways of staying on top of acne scars should you find yourself in a conundrum involving one or two imperfections ruining your otherwise flawless complexion.

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