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Travel Tips for Food Lovers



If you’re a food lover then traveling can be the perfect way to discover your new favorite dish. But do you know how to really make the most of your trip? These tips can help you to fully experience what different cuisines have to offer. But make sure that you take out travel medical insurance before setting off. Even if you don’t have any known allergies, it’s always a good idea to have some cover in case you feel a bit under the weather after eating food you’re not used to.

Avoid Tourist Areas

You won’t get to fully experience a local cuisine by staying in places that cater to tourists. Many countries have restaurants with traveler-friendly dishes that will just be boring to any food-loving explorer. After all, you didn’t take a long flight to eat the same fries you can get back home. Seeking out authentic restaurants where locals eat is key to finding the best food while traveling. While you may not be able to read the menu and staff may struggle with English, this is all part of the experience when eating out abroad.

Explore Street Food

With generous portions for a low price, street food is the most authentic dining experience you can have in another country. Whether you visit an outdoor market or stop by a stall, you’ll be experiencing the local cuisine just like the city’s residents do. Many people make the mistake of dismissing street food as poor quality, but that’s simply not the case. While some dishes might be simplistic, that doesn’t mean you won’t be getting a full and flavorsome experience.

Know Your Limits

You might be tempted to try absolutely everything when you go to a new place, but it’s important to keep your limits in mind. If you know you struggle with spicy foods then don’t force yourself to eat a dish that’s full of chilies. There will be other alternatives for you to try and enjoy, so don’t listen to people who say your experience won’t be as rich if you say no to certain dishes.

Don’t Forget the Supermarket

Most people tend to assume that going abroad is all about eating in restaurants, but grocery stores and supermarkets can have just as many taste sensations waiting for you. Not only will this help you save a bit of money, but you’ll be able to try all kinds of biscuits and snacks that you wouldn’t be able to get at home. If the accommodation you’re staying in has a fridge and some basic self-catering facilities, you can really benefit and sample new breakfast foods before you head off for the day.

Take Some Home

While you won’t be able to take home a lot of the food you eat on your trip, you’ll be able to keep sweets, chocolates, and other dried foods in your suitcase. Whether for family and friends or yourself, you’ll be able to relive your experiences once you’re back in your own kitchen too.

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