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Joe Cunningham Releases Statement on Governor McMaster’s Press Conference



Today, former Congressman Joe Cunningham and current Democratic candidate for governor released the following statement on the press conference delivered by Gov. Henry McMaster this morning: 

“Governor McMaster made it clear this morning that he has no plan, no answers, and no willingness to lead. He is paralyzed by politics, terrified of a primary challenge from his right, and more concerned about his own political life than the lives of South Carolinians. After weeks of contradicting and overruling his own health experts and his own education superintendent, the Governor stood by himself this morning – on an island of ignorance – to declare that all is well. Despite South Carolina being ranked 46th in vaccinations and cases skyrocketing to double or triple the numbers of one year ago, Governor McMaster continues to regurgitate partisan talking points and rely on Facebook Doctors to shape our state’s COVID policy. His insistence on playing politics with this virus will undoubtedly lead to even more unnecessary loss of life.

Let me be clear: No one wants to shut down the state’s economy or keep schools closed – certainly not me. We simply want our Governor to listen to his own experts, follow the science, and put people over politics. He has failed to meet this moment with strength or resolve, and history will remember him as the governor who desperately wanted the title but never the job.”

Cunningham announced his run for Governor in April and is currently on a 46-county tour of the state. You can learn more at

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Latino in SC

    September 9, 2021 at 9:33 pm

    Your a shmuck who doesn’t believe in the constitution and civil liberties granted to us by our fore fathers. Just like a democrat you sink low and use personal attacks instead of talking about freedoms that should exist. He is more of a man than you will ever be . He stands alone in the mist of giants as did David! You want a label and authority that you will use against your own people. Your party proves it to be true every day.

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