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Can Phone Sex Heal the Wounds of a Broken Relationship?



Not all relationships have fairy tale endings. Unfortunately, many have just the opposite and result in long-term emotional or even psychological damage. Many people try to heal by doing what they see in movies: getting revenge or diving way too quickly into a rebound relationship. If you’re trying to recover from the trauma of a broken relationship, it’s essential to consider a wide array of different paths toward healing—including phone sex. Yes, it may sound counterintuitive, but phone sex can help you get past a broken heart and back toward your prior self.


How the Relationship Ended Matters

If you ended on good terms, healing might be straightforward. It will just take some time, the ability to focus on yourself for a little while, and encouragement from your best friends. If your relationship ended poorly or was abusive, healing can take a much longer time and be a lot more complex.


In either situation, avoiding it won’t help. You’ll have to address the ways in which the relationship disappointed you, made you feel like a failure, or altered your sense of self. These negative attitudes will stick around unless you intentionally dismantle them. Taking up a mindfulness practice can help because it will give you more control over how you talk to yourself. In mindfulness, you learn to talk to yourself in a compassionate way which can have a drastic impact on your self-esteem and how you perceive interactions in the future. In other words, it makes it easier not to bring a ton of baggage from the broken relationship into future relationships.


However, mindfulness only addresses part of the problem. Getting back out into the world and being confident enough to be vulnerable again is scary, especially for people coming out of traumatic or abusive broken relationships. This is where phone sex can be especially effective.


Why Phone Sex Can Help

The truth is phone sex is not always just about sex. It’s about the freedom to be totally yourself with a stranger, which is a huge stepping stone toward recovering from some of the most toxic breakups. Many articles have been written about how many people use phone sex as a form of therapy, and phone sex hosts often lend an ear to allow people to rant, vent, and otherwise release some of the hostility that built up from the broken relationship. Connecting with a friendly stranger online is a good reminder that not everyone is as evil as your ex. It can help you restore your positivity.


But sometimes phone sex is just about sex, and it can help the broken-hearted in that way, too. Sometimes, people may have been sexually assaulted in their past relationships. Survivors of past sexual trauma often find phone sex a freeing first step toward having a normal sex life again. Why? Because there’s less risk involved, and it’s also very easy to enforce your boundaries. If you’re nervous about getting back into the saddle sexually, phone sex can ease your reentry.


Moving Forward

Moving forward from a broken relationship usually means that the relationship is over. However, if you’re currently in a broken relationship, you can still mend it if you are both dedicated to making progress. Keep in mind that some people will never change, and you should never stay with someone hoping that they will stop doing what they have repeatedly done. But, if someone made a mistake (like cheating, for example), you can make it work.


Sometimes meeting with a couples’ therapist is the most helpful way to get through it. And other times, the person who was cheated on will need space and time to consider whether they can forgive the person who cheated. Having sex in person can often feel too vulnerable or even unsafe—especially for the person who was cheated on. So phone sex can help in this scenario, too, as you can begin to re-engage each other sexually on the phone from a safe distance.


Finding Someone to Have Phone Sex With

Finding someone to have phone sex with in the aftermath of a relationship is easy if you know where to look. Remember to find a platform that protects your privacy and ensures everyone who uses it is an adult. Arousr does all this and more. They offer 100 free credits, so you can give it a try before you purchase anything. Plus, their phone sex hosts are the real deal. They aren’t just phoning it in (pun intended)—they form real relationships with people they’ve met on the site. Listen to one phone sex host talk about her experience on the platform:

Phone Sex Interviews – Tammy from Arousr from arousr on Vimeo.

So, if you’re looking for a genuine connection and a hot and sexy phone adventure, Arousr is the place to find both. Find out what you’ve been missing with Arousr’s phone sex!

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