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Cheryl Casone Helping Regular Americans Find Dream Home



Fox Business Network Veteran Practices What She Preaches Regarding Financial Security

Jeff Walker, Entertainment Writer

Long before she began her now 15 year stint with Fox News including the Fox Business Network where she is a regular anchor, Cheryl Casone was honing her talent at rival networks, beginning her career on the west coast. Although she would eventually find her way to an anchor’s desk, it wasn’t her first job after graduating from Northern Arizona University in 1992 with a degree in public relations.

“I studied journalism and communications in college. I took television and radio classes, but I realized I wasn’t ready to jump into the profession right out of school, so I became a flight attendant. I was in my early 20’s and wanted to see the country. I had a lot of fun and got paid to travel. For me at the time, it was a win win.” Along the way she would travel to Western Europe, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.

After five years with the airlines Casone made her way to northern California. “My first real job in television was on a travel show. It seemed like a natural transition from being a flight attendant. I was the producer and the reporter so I learned a lot. That provided me some on camera exposure and a feel for the industry, and eventually helped me secure a job anchoring a business news show in San Francisco.”

Unlike many young people in there 20’s Casone admits she was wise regarding personal finances. “That’s the biggest challenge for young people. All to often they are living for today. They want instant gratification and are living beyond their means. I was taught better. Actually I was fortunate to be able to buy my first home at 22, not because of my job, I had some help, and I knew it was the best use of my money at the time. I’ve always tried to be smart about money, making the right decision about my personal finances.”

She has one particular family member to thank for guiding her early on. “I credit my grandmother for starting me on this path of financial security. She was a stock market investor in Mt. Pleasant Texas and she taught me about the market. My grandparents owned and operated a meat processing plant and she was very wise when it came to financials. Thanks to her I started in the stock market at 22. She said invest wisely and for the long term.”

After cutting her teeth on the west coast, Casone ventured to New York making career stops at CNN, CBS, MSNBC, and NBC working as a general assignment reporter primarily covering business news including reporting from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). “I was building a solid resume, which lead me to Fox in 2006. I’ve been here 15 years and I absolutely love it.”

Success at Fox has opened many doors for Casone and allowed her to provide economic insight on the impact of war on the economy, U.S. and global markets, foreign investment and corporate governance (systems by which companies are directed and controlled). Casone has interviewed world leaders and reported from the Middle East. She’s not afraid to tackle big issues or ones near and dear to her heart.

In 2016 she released her first book ‘The Comeback: How Today’s Moms Re-enter the Workplace Successfully’. Throughout 224 pages Casone offers a comprehensive self help guide for moms, who want to make a return to the paid employment world. As Casone writes, “No matter who you are, no matter why change comes into your life, I hope this book will help you to do what my mom did: to stare that change in the face and say with confidence, ‘Bring it!’

Although she’s much more financially independent now than she was in her 20’s and 30’s, Casone still practices what she preaches. “I still shop at Ross Dress for Less, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls. People are surprised to see me at Super Target. For me it’s all about spending my money wisely.”

That’s the same advice Casone passes on to younger people, especially to young women she advises during ‘Minute Mentoring’, a program fellow Fox News personality Dana Perino has championed. “The main thing I want to impart to young women just starting their careers is to embrace financial literacy. What I mean is to be educated on saving, investing, and spending. Financial security is important, and something everyone should consider at a very young age. It’s very rewarding to give back.”

Casone believes financial independence can be achieved if people apply themselves to basic principles. “That’s why I encourage young people, and others to think along those lines. It might seem impossible if you’re right out of college, or starting your first real job, when you’re trying to manage life, pay off school loans, raise kids, and deal with relationships. But if you just make small sacrifices it will pay off in 10 or 20 years. Financial freedom is a lifestyle choice one has to commit to.”

A card carrying republican and a strong believer in capitalism Casone is not afraid to voice her opinions on the state of the American economy. “No matter what you think of Trump, his tax cuts worked. And he wasn’t wrong on China.” Casone has mixed reviews when it comes to the democrats. “I see it all the time. There’s been a big change in the party. Democrats have become so polarized. Thank God for Joe Manchin (US Senator from WV), and others like him who take a stand for Americans.”

Casone agrees thing have gotten out of hand in 2021. “The economy is definitely slowing down. The whole mess with our supply chains could have been handled better, and should have been addressed sooner. I see mortgage rates ticking up. Gas and oil prices will cause major problems if they continue to rise. Things need to change or we’re headed for serious trouble in this country, and sadly it will affect everyday Americans.”

It’s not surprising to see Casone making a guest appearance on Fox & Friends in the morning, and another midday show or later in the evening on Fox Business. “The network does keep me busy, and many of my colleagues as well. Personally I love staying busy and having several things on my work plate. I genuinely enjoy everyone I work with at Fox, and hopefully I’m imparting sound advice to viewers. I enjoy what I bring to each segment.”

When she’s not grabbing face time on Fox News or Fox Business Network, Casone can be found producing and hosting her latest project on Fox, ‘American Dream Home’ which airs on their business channel. “It’s a great addition to the Fox lineup. It’s totally different and new. What I like about the show is that it deals with real Americans, just regular people who have invested, made sacrifices, and now they have the budget to purchase their American dream home.”

Casone adds, “It’s the home they’ve always wanted to have. Maybe something they’ve been dreaming about for years. The home they want to grow old in. Whether it’s on the beach or in the mountains with a great view, and I get to take part in this epic journey with them.”

According to Casone there are many pluses to the new gig. “First of all I’m a big fan of real estate and home ownership. I have bought, sold, and flipped houses. Secondly I get to travel to all parts of the country. And probably the biggest take away for me is I get to witness people moving into their dream home. All in all it’s just another great project Fox has allowed me to do.”

Casone admits the show is inspirational. “There’s a story about an ER nurse and a Naval officer who treated patients amidst Covid, and then realized there is way more to life than work, ultimately deciding to buy a home in Hawaii. Another couple had their home destroyed by a hurricane in Florida. We follow their story of replacing the beach home they lost. You can’t help but be moved by their stories.”

What sets ‘American Dream Home’ apart from other real estate shows. “This is not another tear down and remodel show. The show hits more on a personal level. It takes viewers behind the scenes. We get to see the buyer, and couples searching for their dream home. I may be the host, but make no mistake they are the stars of the show. I love watching it all unfold and seeing them achieve their dream home.”

‘American Dream Home with Cheryl Casone’ airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on Fox Business Network, and is part of the business channel’s all new prime time line-up which includes ‘American Gold: The Legend of Bear Gulch’, ‘How America Works’ with Mike Rowe, and ‘The Pursuit! with John Rich’. Check local listings. For more on Minute Mentoring visit

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