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How to Make Your Booth Stand Out in a Large Event Space



Large conventions, conferences, and events are some of the best opportunities to grow your brand. You’ll expose your products to an audience of thousands, and savvy companies can use this platform to expand into a new tier in their market.

However, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd at a huge event. Not every event space is created equal, and it’s important to utilize some of the largest convention centers in the U.S. properly to succeed. Your booth and its atmosphere are key to standing out, and you’ll want to generate a sense of interest and urgency from the moment you start.

Engage with Social Media

Even if your event is in-person, the time to start promoting your booth is long before it starts. You’ll want an engaged audience who is ready to come to your booth the second attendees walk in the door. Having a robust social media presence is the best way to get people excited, and posting teasers daily or weekly can build momentum before opening day.

The social media activity doesn’t end when the convention starts, either. Selfies are one of the best ways to get likes and views on social media. Why not take advantage by including a photo area at your booth? Have an associated hashtag ready to go so social media followers can see your booth trend and head on over.

Give Away Something Unique

Everyone loves a good swag bag. Walking away with a lot of free items is one of the best parts of an event, and if you can make your giveaway stand out, even better. The most common items include pens, tote bags, and cups which are all useful. But why not think outside the box? Think about what your customers are most likely interested in that other brands won’t be giving away.

Some unique giveaway ideas include candles, plants, or vouchers for a future product or online sale. Be sure to keep feasibility in mind. Your customers may be carrying the product around the convention for a long day. With that in mind, including a reliable tote bag in the giveaway may be a good idea.

Make It a Party

If you really want your booth to stand out in a crowd, don’t be afraid to make a little noise. Your booth will feel like its own little event if you play some music and have interactive activities. If the atmosphere is appropriate for this kind of event, this can be a great way to break up a crowded convention and draw some attention.

No matter the event, make sure you have something to grab people’s eyes as they walk around in a crowd. A catchy display can separate you from the crowd. Make sure to keep positive energy even if you’re at the end of a long day yourself. Keep your booth well-staffed, so everyone gets time to recharge and come back with peak energy.

Explain Your Brand Quickly

You might only get seconds to grab people’s attention once they stop at your booth. Make sure you don’t waste it with a clumsy explanation. Have a catchy and simple pitch for your booth, complete with the products you want to promote on hand.

It may help to prepare a short video that can be played on a loop. This will ensure that every time someone sees it, it’s the same quality explanation. You’ll save your booth staff from having to repeat themselves and prevent potential blunders.

Be Prepared

Before the convention starts, do research to understand those who have succeeded before you. Make sure you know the history of your event and which companies had the most success there. Following some of their playbooks can help you keep ahead of the competition.

Also, make sure you have a plan of action. Even if you think you can put things together in a hurry, your customers will know the difference between a well-planned booth and one that was put together in a hurry. The best way to have a successful convention or conference is to sort out all your details well in advance.

Find Success and Grow Your Brand

A big event is one of the largest investments a company will make and one of the biggest opportunities. The more you stand out from the crowd, the better your chance of making your investment back and then some. You never know what partnerships and potential customers can come out of a successful event.

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