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Argumentative Essay Introduction: Main Elements



The argumentative essay introduction is a small part but very important. It should draw the reader’s attention to your paper. Therefore, it should be clear and specific. That’s hard and sometimes students need essay helper for that task. The material must be presented in a logical sequence. All structures and elements must be present.

The main elements of the introduction include the following:

  • Justification of the application of the topic;
  • Object;
  • Subject;
  • Purpose;
  • Objectives of the study;
  • Theoretical and practical significance.

The components of the scientific apparatus of the study are presented in the introduction in a particular sequence.

Justification of the Relevance of the Topic

The level of research of the problem, the degree of its novelty is highlighted. A brief overview of the history of research is provided. The part of the problem that has not received the necessary coverage in science, but is important for the study of the problem as a whole, is indicated. The connection with important aspects of social problems is emphasized.

Object of Study

The object of study is an objective set of properties that are a source of information, a field of scientific research. It is a process or phenomenon that exists independently of the researcher and to which his attention is drawn. By defining an object, we answer the question of what we are considering.

Subject of Study

The subject of research – the property or relationship in the object, which is subjected to an in-depth special study. This is an aspect of consideration that gives an idea of what aspects, properties, functions of the object are being studied. This is what is contained within the object.

The object and subject of the study are correlated as general and partial. There can be several objects in one object.

The Goal of the Work

This is a reasonable idea of the general results of scientific research. It formulates the general idea of the study. The goal should be defined clearly and succinctly. The purpose of the work is usually closely intertwined with the title and should indicate which issue is addressed in work.

Objectives of the Study

Tasks specify the purpose of the study and determine the sequence of its achievement. They are designed to give an idea of what needs to be done to achieve the goal. As a rule, 3-5 tasks are formulated. They are aimed at both theoretical and empirical study of the problem.

Research Methods

A method is a set of techniques or operations of practical or theoretical development of reality, subordinated to a specific task. A list of applied research methods is provided. They should not be listed in isolation from the content of the work but concisely and meaningfully. It is determined what exactly was studied by one method or another. This allows disclosing the logic and acceptability of the choice of these methods.

Theoretical Significance of the Work

The theoretical significance is determined by the results’ influence on existing science concepts, theories, ideas (their expansion, addition, deepening, etc.).

Practical Significance of the Work

It is argued by where the results of the study can be applied, their readiness for implementation, etc.

Follow the guidelines provided here. Create a unique introduction by revealing all of its structural elements and surprise the teacher with the consistency of the material presented!

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