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Senator Mia McLeod Releases Statement on the Anniversary of January 6th Insurrection



State Senator Mia McLeod, who is also a candidate for Governor of South Carolina, gave the following statement on the anniversary of the January 6th insurrection: 

“On the first anniversary of the January 6th insurrection, I’m reminded of the importance each of us plays in upholding our democracy.

Every day, we make choices that impact others. As a leader,  I know democracy doesn’t belong to a single political party.  It belongs to the people.  And when our democracy is threatened, we must call it out and do everything we can to protect it.  Like most Americans, I was devastated to witness the unconscionable – our nation’s Capitol under siege at the treasonous hands of its own citizens.  Discovering that some of the insurrectionists were South Carolinians was even more disheartening.

I applaud Congressional Democrats and Republicans who honored their constitutional oath by certifying the 2020 election results. Their courage and commitment to upholding the truth protected our democracy when the BIG LIE and attempted coup last January 6, threatened to destroy it.

We must call on our leaders at every level of government to strengthen our union instead of tearing it down with hateful, divisive rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and propaganda.  Nationally and right here in South Carolina, our leaders have an opportunity and obligation to pass legislation that strengthens our democracy and protects the voting rights of every South Carolinian.

As we continue to digest the unprecedented events that unfolded before us exactly one year ago today, we must stand in solidarity to protect our voting rights, strengthen our democracy and recommit ourselves to our country’s founding principles…”that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…”

If we’re really “one nation…under God…indivisible”—it’s time we start acting like it.”

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. John Whalen

    January 7, 2022 at 4:24 pm

    As bad as the January 6th event was, it pales in comparison to the botch Afganistan withdrawal which is a national embarrassment. How come this State Senator didn’t comment on that? this is political BS.

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