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5 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight in 2022



A new year has begun and people all around the world are keen to find the easiest and healthiest ways to lose weight. Whether your new year’s resolution was to give up junk food or you want to burn off your holiday grub, we’ve got 5 healthy ways for you to drop a few pounds. 

1. Cut Down On Carbs 

First thing’s first, you could cut down on – or cutting out – carbs! This has to be one of the hardest weight loss measures for a lot of people, especially if you’re a pasta lover or a fan of fries! But, something as simple as cutting down on them or cutting them out completely can help you lose up to 2 pounds of excess fat per week – incredible, right? Plus, you’ll also feel revitalized and burst with the energy you didn’t know you had! You can also add some qualified dietary supplements to your daily routine to provide sufficient nutrients for your body. 

2. Try Organic Sea Moss Supplements

Next up is trying with sea moss for weight loss. There are many forms available over the counter, so finding one that works best for your body and diet should be easy! We’d recommend capsules as they need almost no effort. Just take one at the same time every day, and relish the wonders of organic sea moss supplements for your diet. 

3. Devour Plenty of Leafy Greens

Though the thought of leafy greens might make you nauseous, they provide a lot of good health benefits. The biggest is healthy weight loss. Not only do they give your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs to survive, but leafy greens also help lower your risk of heart disease and keep your blood pressure healthy, too. 

You don’t have to eat them on their own, either. Mixed with some of your favorite foods, you’ll barely notice leafy greens are on your plate at all. Or, better yet, throw them in a breakfast smoothie and you’ll taste nothing but berries and yogurt – it’s a win-win! 

4. Create a Calorie Deficit 

If you’re serious about your new weight loss journey, create a calorie deficit. All you need to do is find your Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is the number of calories your body burns without working out. Then, create yourself a diet plan that encourages you to eat less than your body burns. For example, if your body burns 2,000 calories a day and you eat 2,000 calories a day, you’re at equilibrium and need to work harder. 

To lose weight, you’d need to burn calories through some form of workout, even if that’s 100 calories burnt by walking the dog or taking a stroll while on a date with a loved one. This means you will have consumed 2,000 calories, but burnt 2,100 calories. This means you’re in a deficit of 100 calories for that day. Keep going like this every day for as long as you can, and you’ll notice a huge difference! 

5. Record Everything You Eat and Drink

Lastly, and the most important suggestion, is recording everything! Whatever you eat and drink during the day should be recorded. Use a diary or planner, and don’t forget to add any workouts too! For example, 30 mins of walking = an average of 150 calories burnt depending on BMI (Body Mass Index). 

For this, you can download fitness planner apps, like My Fitness Pal, and keep everything noted. That way, you can stay on top of your calorie intake and get useful reminders and hints on how you could put more effort into your weight loss journey. And remember, you can still eat the things you love while dieting. Just eat them in moderation and NEVER fully cut them out – this will only make you crave them more! 

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