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Digital Signage Trends: A Huge Boost to the Future



Digital signage trends in 2022 show an industry that is changing and evolving. While a lot of trends show the enhanced features that today’s digital signs offer, there are some trends that stand out more than others.

Below, we’re going to show the trends that we expect to have the biggest boost in the world of  digital signage.

Importance of Outdoor Signage

As a business owner, it’s crucial for you to utilize outdoor signage to remain competitive in your industry. While there are a lot of reasons that outdoor signage is important, the most crucial are:

  •         Inform your customers of purchasing opportunities.
  •         Build brand awareness.
  •         Leverage impulse buying to generate sales.

Informing customers and the public will require more detail, so we have an entire section on this below. However, signage is also crucial for building brand awareness. Customers, or potential customers, may not know about your brand or don’t trust your business yet.

And that’s okay.

Through the use of signage, customers will begin to see your logo and brand. Slowly, these same customers will begin trusting your brand. They’ll associate your logo with your business, learn the business’ name and products you offer, and then they’ll be more inclined to become customers.

Additionally, outdoor signs can help leverage psychology to increase impulse purchases and revenue.

5 Trends in the Digital Signage Industry

Several retail digital signage trends are emerging in 2022 that will continue to shape the future of the industry. Some of the top current digital signage market trends include:

1. Touchless

Health and safety concerns have pushed a need and demand for touchless technology. Digital signage from Rise VIsion is now adopting touchless technology to make interactions safer and more intuitive.

While touchscreen displays are still very much in use, more signage solutions are starting to incorporate:

  •         Gestures
  •         Voice commands
  •         Face scanning technologies

Tactile displays are still relevant and will continue to be so for quite some time. However, touchless technologies will likely continue to expand and grow.

2. Informing the Public

Another big trend in digital signage is information distribution. Because digital signs can quickly and easily be updated with new and relevant information, they’re a great way to communicate with the public.

These visual displays are vibrant and eye-catching, making it more likely for passersby to stop and look at them.

Now and in the future, digital signage will likely continue to be used to communicate public health information

3. Personalized Content

As marketing becomes more personalized, so has digital signage. Today’s consumers want to see information and advertisements that are targeted towards their interests and needs.

With digital signage, it’s easy to create personalized and relevant content. Because content can easily be updated, it’s easy to change your message when needed.

More advanced signs that use technologies like face scanning recognition can even display hyper-relevant content based on the individual looking at the screen.

4. Automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are finally making their way into the digital signage industry. Using automation and AI, it’s possible to manage and monitor your campaigns. For example, AI can determine whether a specific piece of content should be shown to a customer based on the individual’s goals and desires.

5. Cloud-Based Solutions

Initially, the content displayed on digital signs was updated via USB or memory card. But today, the trend is shifting towards cloud-based digital sign software. Cloud-based solutions make it easy to update content from anywhere at any time using an internet-connected device.

Mobile Devices and Digital Signage Compatibility

In today’s interconnected world, digital signage is a must-have. However, we’re starting to see many manufacturers incorporate mobile devices and digital solutions into one. The quick connectivity and merging of solutions allow for:

  •         Connecting to social media feeds
  •         Showing recent articles and publications via RSS

We’re also witnessing some signage with QR codes and the ability to scan the screen for more information about products. The compatibility of mobile devices and digital signage opens up a world of possibilities for business owners to keep their audience engaged.

Digital signage trends are changing, and if you want your business to stay ahead of the competition, you need to know and adapt to the changing trends. The trends above are what we believe will be a driving force in the industry in 2022.

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