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Dr. Annie Andrews Calls for a Suspension of the Federal Gas Tax to Combat Surging Gas Prices



Lowcountry pediatrician and Democratic candidate for the First Congressional District, Dr. Annie Andrews, today called for a suspension of the federal gas tax through the end of 2022 to combat surging gas prices. 

The federal gas tax is currently 18.4 cents per gallon.

Dr. Andrews says now is the time for lawmakers to do everything within their power to lower the price of gasoline, which is higher than ever before at $4.31 on average.

“Gas prices are out of control and it’s the responsibility of our leaders in Washington to pursue any and all solutions to bring down costs for American families,” said Dr. Andrews. “By suspending the gas tax through the end of the year, we can provide real savings for every driver in the Lowcountry.”

Dr. Andrews also said Congress should address corporate greed among oil and gas companies who are choosing to spend their record profits on stock buybacks for shareholders instead of increasing production.

“Oil companies are raking in record profits while also refusing to increase production. That’s unacceptable,” said Dr. Andrews. “These companies are sitting on thousands of unused leasing permits while families are being crushed by soaring gas prices. Corporate greed is alive and well and it’s one of the many reasons gas prices are so high.”

Legislation to suspend the federal gas tax through the end of the year was introduced last month by Arizona Senator Mark Kelly and Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock. A companion bill was introduced in the House by Arizona Congressman Tom O’Halleran. Earlier this week the governors of Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Michigan, Colorado and Wisconsin called on Congress to suspend the federal gas tax through the end of 2022. Senator Kelly and Warnock’s bill would shift general fund revenue into the Highway Trust Fund to ensure that no infrastructure projects are affected or delayed.

Dr. Andrews says ultimately the solution to soaring gas prices is transitioning away from fossil fuels to cleaner, more renewable sources of energy.

“The long-term answer to high gas prices is eliminating our reliance on oil,” said Dr. Andrews. “We need to invest in a clean energy economy that doesn’t depend on energy from countries like Saudi Arabia or Russia.”

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