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What is Angular Development?



A lot is known about Angular JS. This software is a framework from – Java Script. It includes open-source technology. In fact, web developers and programmers understand exactly what this digital product is for, and it is intended to create single-page web applications. To be more precise, the main goal is to extend browser-based applications based on the so-called “MVC pattern”. Also, the framework greatly simplifies the work regarding testing and the most direct development. To complete a project based on this framework, you should contact a professional company:, which will be able to complete the development of a web product to perfection, in the shortest possible time, for an optimal and reasonable payment.

How exactly does the framework work?

Angular works with all known HTML. It contains a couple of useful additional custom attributes that describe the directives. HTML is also able to link the inputs and outputs of web page regions to the specific models embedded in them. Just the same, this relationship is based on a variable and at the same time ordinary Java Script. As for the values ​​of these variables, they must be set manually by a specialist or extracted by the same specialist from statistical or dynamic so-called JSON data. This whole process is writing code when developing a web product.

The software also has a number of other features:

  1. First of all, it is a framework.
  2. The presence of a complete cli system.
  3. Typescript, thanks to which you can do type checking.
  4. The software has a component approach, which means the presence of html markup, the ability to compose html and the ability to work with CSS class components.
  5. The technology is built specifically on top of the RxJS library, which is convenient when developing web applications.
  6. Dependency Injection is a technology that is actively used by specialists in order to change the behavior of the framework in the process of directly working with it.
  7. Modules that have a specific namespace dedicated to them for framework elements. It’s comfortable. Moreover, blocks are used to document written codes or those codes that are in the process of being written.
  8. Constant support, which means that the framework tends to be updated, and developers improve it from time to time.
  9. Thanks to the introduction of MVC patterns, you can significantly reduce the load on the server and web development itself, since after the implementation of the framework, when transferring the dependency to the traditional server, the connection will become weaker.

Directives included in the framework

As you know, it is with the help of Angular JS directives that it is possible to make custom HTML tags and HTML attributes. Directives are needed in order to add behavior to certain “ng” components:

  • “ng-app” – able to declare the component as the root for the software;
  • “bind” – thanks to the element, you can replace the text content with the value that was passed in the expression;
  • “model” – is able to provide a bunch of data, and a two-way character;
  • “class” – is able to define a class so that the download is more dynamic;
  • “controller” – is able to define a Java Script controller that will allow you to evaluate expressions corresponding to MVC;
  • “repeat” – able to develop a DOM instance individually for any of the components in the collection;
  • “hide” – is able to demonstrate or completely hide components (depends on the values ​​of the logic of their expression);
  • “switch” – able to create one of the instances of templates from many options;
  • “view” is the base directive responsible for handling the route properly;
  • “if” is a directive that removes or creates parts of the DOM.

Thus, in order to fully work with the Angular software, you should additionally take care of installing a server called “Node.js” and the npm package manager on your computer. This is necessary in order to make web development as high-quality, fast and hassle-free as possible. To install them on your own computer, you simply need to use the node installer. To work with these digital products, special knowledge is not required for specialists.

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