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The Top 3 Reasons Why People Love to Play Online Games



A number of forms of entertainment have seen a large increase in popularity in the last decade or so; and none more so than gaming. It seems that everyone in the world partakes in some level of gaming at some point in their day, with the games people play constantly evolving; the means by which they are played frequently change; and the community surrounding them becomes more welcoming. These are just some of many reasons as to why people seem to love playing games online. This article is going to dive a bit deeper into some of the other reasons as to why people love engaging with them. 

The Escapism 

When you have finished a long day at work or have just got home from a day of socializing and being out with people you may find yourself wanting to unwind, and this can naturally manifest itself as escapism. A lot of people achieve such escapism through the likes of reading or watching some of the new TV shows that are out there, whereas others find enjoyment in gaming. 

It is hardly surprising that some people use gaming for escapism due to how immersive the titles seem to be at the minute. Some books go on to inspire movies and others use the assistance of professional writers to create the worlds that the games will be set in. Take for example the new Elden Ring game, which enlisted the help of legendary author of the Game of Thrones series George R. R. Martin. 

The Variety 

There is so much variety in gaming that people are able to throw themselves into genre after genre, which makes the whole process incredibly invigorating every time you log on. For instance, if one day you want to be transported to the fantasy world set in Elden Ring you can; however, if you want a gaming experience that is more real world then this is possible too. One of the most popular forms of real-world gaming at the minute is that of online casino games. USA online casinos are played on a frequent basis as people love to play the likes of roulette, poker, and slot machines in their spare time, right from the comfort of their own home. 

To Embrace Their Competitive Nature 

Many people have a competitive nature and gaming is a popular way in which this can be embraced. Thanks to the online element, people from all over the world go against one another in an effort to prove themselves as number one. The amount of competition involved in this and the constant drive that gamers have to improve their skills and prove themselves as one of the best around is a massive part of why people love gaming so much. 


Gaming is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world as people all over the planet love to get involved and go head-to-head with one another and escape from their normal day-to-day routine.

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