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Redux’s Executive Director Announces She is Stepping Down



Cara Leepson (right), Redux Contemporary Art Center’s Executive Director, today announced that she will be leaving the organization. She released the following letter via e-mail:

“In 2009, I enthusiastically began a yearlong internship at Redux and became immediately enthralled with the organization, its unique mission and its steadfast commitment to contemporary art and artists. Following my internship, I focused my 12-year career in the non-profit visual arts world working for organizations who shared similar missions to Redux. My goal was to one day take on my dream job as the Executive Director of Redux, a position which I excitedly settled into in late 2017. I’ve been committed and devoted to Redux and the organization’s growth and success over the past 5 years and I am so proud of all the work I’ve accomplished during my time at the helm of this organization, one which I hold in such high regard.

With that said, it’s with a heavy heart that I announce that my last day as Executive Director will be Wednesday May 11th, 2022.

I’m so grateful to have been able to make an impact on Redux through my time as Executive Director and to have been able to connect with so many people within the arts community in Charleston over the past 5 years. My decision to leave Redux was not an easy one, but the position I’m moving on to is another incredible opportunity for me to have a chance to help another organization grow and thrive.

The Redux Board has appointed a stellar arts administrator to the position of Interim Executive Director, Maggie Jordan. Maggie most recently held the position of Visual Arts Coordinator with the Cultural Arts Department in North Charleston and has also worked for The Halsey Institue for Contemporary Art as well as The Gibbes Museum. She is a strong leader and arts administrator and I’m thrilled that she will be stepping in as the Interim Executive Director to keep the Redux ship afloat until the board appoints a full time ED later this summer.

With my departure, the Board is embarking on a search for Redux’s next full time Executive Director, to be appointed by August 1st, 2022. The search is officially underway and the full job description is posted on our website here. Should you know anyone who would be a good fit for the position, please share this information. The Board is looking forward to finding a strong leader who is excited to carry Redux into its next chapter – our 20th year!

Thank you all for your support over the past 5 years. It’s truly been an honor to be Executive Director of Redux, a career highlight I will think fondly of for years to come.”

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