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‘Just Tyrus’ Is Raw & Painfully Honest Autobiography



Fox News Personality & Pro Wrestler Makes No Apologies for Life Experiences

By: Jeff Walker, Book Review

At 6’8” tall and well over 300 lbs., it’s hard to believe Fox News personality Tyrus was ever bullied. Born George Murdoch in February of 1973, Tyrus was the product of teenage parents, with his father a black man and his mother white. Ostracized by his maternal grandparents and left to be raised by his mother, Tyrus and his brother found themselves in short term foster care until they were re-united with their mother, only to have the next chapter of their lives even more chaotic, leading Tyrus to leave home by age 16.

In his first ever autobiography, ‘Just Tyrus: A Memoir’, the out-spoken somewhat liberal viewed conservative and late-night sidekick to Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld opens up about his turbulent upbringing. With few role models aside from the Incredible Hulk, Jimmy (JJ) Walker, and wrestling legend Dusty Rhodes, young Tyrus was raised by an equally young mother who was often taken advantage of. The result left Tyrus to fend for himself, watching over his younger brother, all the while trying to navigate the prejudice he encountered growing up as a young bi-racial man during the 1970’s and ’80’s.

It took the one-time semi-professional football player, former bodyguard to rapper Snoop Dog, and current NWA (National Wrestling Alliance) competitor over 40 years to find his true calling as the sharp-tongued counterbalance to the satiric and politically charged Gutfeld. His new book chronicles the many challenges and hardships he had to overcome to figure out his square peg didn’t necessarily fit in a round shape.

In over 200 easy to read pages George ‘Tyrus’ Murdoch is frank, earnest, and heartfelt. Readers discover prejudice and bias comes in many forms and is a by-product of all races. Tyrus has little appreciation for self-serving opportunity seeking politicians and haters. Near in the end of his book he gives praise to several Fox News personalities including high regard for Dana Perino and fellow cohort Gutfeld, a man he became acquainted with through social media, leading to an eight-year friendship.

In just over his 49 years on the planet he’s been a sought-after college athlete, a bouncer, a drug dealer, and a manipulator. He’s been bullied and been the bully. He’s been beaten, outcast, forgotten, and over-looked, but due to his innate survival skills and determination he’s never been a victim. Through it all he became a college graduate and a well revered cable news commentator.

While many Fox News personalities have written books detailing their lives, ‘Just Tyrus: A Memoir’ is perhaps the most compelling. It’s a gripping account of how a perceived gargantuan tattooed mixed-raced man is more a deep thought provoking overprotective gentle giant. Tyrus makes no excuses for his candor nor his life story, rather letting history bluntly speak for itself.

A New York Times bestseller, ‘Just Tyrus: A Memoir’ is an ideal read for those who want to climb out of darkness and despair. He may have been dealt a bad hand starting out in life, but Tyrus is proof hard work, dedication, and determination bring about good results. Whether you’re a fan of Tyrus or not his autobiography is raw and eye opening. It reveals dimensions to a personality many may not have realized. It’s a story of humility, acceptance, perseverance, and ultimate triumph.

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